Lee Caldwell
Name: | Lee Caldwell |
City: | Manchester |
Country: | United Kingdom |
Membership: | Adult Member |
Sport: | Football/Soccer |
The BIG Picture
At the conclusion of this unit, the pupils will be able to perform ways of turning and running with the ball in opposed situations.
Today we are learning to use appropriate turns and make decisions quickly when opposed.
Elite players are able to assess the space available, and be creative to beat an opponent when under pressure i.e. Anthony Martial.
ALL - will be able to use different surfaces of the foot top receive and turn.
MOST - will be able to select appropriate turning technique to keep possession.
SOME - will be able to prepare before receiving the ball; 'scanning' and looking over their shoulder.
See the guidance at the top of this page to understand why you are not seeing interactive Football/Soccer images.
Area: 20x20 yards (dependent on numbers).
Split the class into 3 groups and give each team a coloured bib.
Two teams start on the outside with the other team on the inside.
Each team is designated a role (Support Player, Attacker and Defender).
Support players on the outside start with the ball.
How to play
Start position: Players spread out in the middle area to make it hard for the defenders. Players on the outside spread themselves out evenly around the area, defenders position themselves appropriately.
The attackers aim is to receive the ball and turn away from the defender, and pass the ball out to a support player on the outside to score a point.
Defenders score a point each time they win the ball.
After 1-2 minutes change the roles of the players.
Too add to the competition, each player tallies their points total to see which of the three players scores the most points.
Larger area to increase the space to move into.
Defenders can win the ball, travel and pass to a support player on the outside.
What should you try to create between you and the defender? SPACE
What have been said you should do to check where the defender is? SCANNING
Once you have turned the defender how should you travel? AT SPEED
How do you travel at speed with the ball? BIGGER TOUCHES
See the guidance at the top of this page to understand why you are not seeing interactive Football/Soccer images.
Area: 30x30 yards with 4 goals placed near the corners of the area.
4 players per team with no goalkeepers (dependent on space available).
Teams can score in either of the four goals.
How to play
The aim of the game is to run the ball through either of the goals with the ball under control.
Coaching points
Scanning to check the space.
Recognising early opportunities to score.
Disguising turns to outwit the opposition.
© Copyright 2022 Sport Session Planner Ltd.
Developed with Partnership Developers, a division of Kyosei Systems.
Animation Controls (PCs, Macs, Laptops):
Play animation
Play step-by-step
Repeat (toggle)
Full Screen
Back/Forward: Drag timeline button
Turning - Receiving and turning (unopposed) (10 mins)
Area: 20x20 yards (dependent on numbers).
Split the class into 3 groups and give each team a coloured bib.
One team starts on the outside with the other team on the inside.
Each team is designated a role (Support Player, Attacker and Defender).
Support players on the outside start with the ball.
How to play
The attackers aim is to receive the ball and turn away from the defender.
Attackers once turning away from the defender should find a support player on the outside and pass the ball.
The defenders role is to be a passive defender. They are not allowed to tackle but should allow the attacker to replicate turning by being behind them.
After 1-2 minutes change the roles of the players.
What should you try to create between you and the defender? SPACE
What have been said you should do to check where the defender is? SCANNING
Once you have turned the defender how should you travel? AT SPEED
How do you travel at speed with the ball? BIGGER TOUCHES