Football/Soccer Session (Academy Sessions): 11/16/17 HSC 06g Red- Attacking (Start Time: 2017-11-16 19:00:00)

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Meggan Rodrique

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Meggan Rodrique
Name: Meggan Rodrique
City: Hillsborough
Country: United States of America
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Football/Soccer
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Learning Outcomes:

-Confidence in front of goal.

-Learn new techiques to finish 1v1 with the goalkeeper (Henry, chip, fake, slot).

-Finding good angles to play through passes.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): TEAM WARM-UP

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): TEAM WARM-UP
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TEAM WARM-UP (15 mins)

Pre-established team warm-up

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): ACT 1

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): ACT 1
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ACT 1 (15 mins)


30 x 20 yard area as shown

Central zone 10 x 20, across the field

Two goals (if full size, use GK’s)

Two teams of equal number

1 ball per player


Players are numbered in their own team (1 through 3 in the diagram)

Players dribble their ball inside central zone

The Coach calls out a number, the two players with that number, exchange soccer balls with a pass

Players then dribble to opposite goals to shoot

Score point if ball goes in goal

The shooter then retrieve their ball and re-enters the central zone

Coach continues to call out numbers, play for set period of time

Coaching Points:

Awareness of opposite number

Move out of central zone in as few touches as possible

Shoot on goal as soon as ball is out of central zone

Head up to observe location of goal

Head down at point of contact

Bod weight forward, chest down


P – Add goalkeepers in each goal

P – The first player to score is awarded the point

P – Add a defender in front of each goal

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): ACT 2-Semi/Fully Opposed

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): ACT 2-Semi/Fully Opposed
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ACT 2-Semi/Fully Opposed (20 mins)


-Two teams split as seen above.

-Soccer ball stationary 8 yards from goal.


-Blue attacks, green defends.

-Once both players are set they are live on grey's first step. Blue sprints to the ball and has one touch to finish between the cone and post, near or far post. (Henry or Slotted finish)

-The defender is live on the attacker's frist step but must round the attacker's cone before defending.

-Replace the ball and return to your line after the shot.

-Play for set time and switch roles.

Coaching Points:

-Open hips and foot before striking the ball.

-Eyes up to observe the taget, eyes on the ball when striking.

-Strong pass with the inside of the foot, curling out to in. (right foot from left side, vise versa)

-Far post finish.

-Exhale while striking.


-Eyes up to observe the taget, eyes on the ball when striking.

-Inside of the foot finish. Either foot depending on pressure.

-Near post finish

-Disguise the finish. Body shape and/or eyes like you're shooting far post then pass it near post.


Fully Opposed

-Defender does not need to round the attackers cone.

-Whoever gets to the ball first can finish.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): ACT 3-Fully Opposed

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): ACT 3-Fully Opposed
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ACT 3-Fully Opposed (25 mins)


- 3 teams, 1 neutral, 1 goalkeeper

- Triple penalty box.


- Blue vs Green 3v3+1 in the shaded area.

- Red are team on deck and will act as servers while they are waiting.

- 90 second games - Rotation: 2 games in 1 game out.

- 3 points for a win, 1 for a tie, 0 for a loss.

- Complete at least 3 passes before playing a through ball for a team mate who will be in on goal.

- The ball and runner must travel through different gates.

- A defender can join to apply pressure but can not leave the area until the ball has left.

- 1 goal if the attacker scores or the team in possession complete 10 passes.

Coaching Points:

- Player on the ball should always have at least 2 options. Move as the ball moves.

- Make the space big to utilize the extra attacker.

- Angle and weight of pass/run.

- Finish based on quality of attcker with the ball, position of the goalkeeper, pressure from defender. - -- - Can you use what we worked on in the semi opposed


- Resting team becomes crabby defenders to replace the large orange cones.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): SCRIMMAGE- Conditioned

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): SCRIMMAGE- Conditioned
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SCRIMMAGE- Conditioned (20 mins)


- 2 teams with keepers


- Condition: Must pass accross the build out lines, cannot dribble accross.

- Fifa Rules

Coaching Points:

- Angled runs to connect with straight or angled passes.

- Curve the run to stay onsides.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): SCRIMMAGE- free

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): SCRIMMAGE- free
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SCRIMMAGE- free (30 mins)


- 6v6 plus GKs.

- Both teams playing in a 2-3-1.


-Fifa rules.

Coaching Points:


-Angled runs to connect with straight or angled passes.

-Curve the run to stay onsides.


-Travel as the ball travels. Can you tackle on the first touch?

-Identifying the role of the first defender and applying pressure quickly.

-Make contact with the attacker.

-Back two players staggered depending on which side the ball is on.

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