Football/Soccer Session (Beginner): Development Stage 2: Week 3

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Jeremy Williams

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Jeremy Williams
Name: Jeremy Williams
City: Palo Alto, CA
Country: United States of America
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Football/Soccer
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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Warm-up Arrival

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Warm-up Arrival
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Warm-up Arrival (5 mins)


Each player with a ball, freely dribbling in area



1) Challenges introduced to test players-(not numbers depenant good warm-up activity)

-First to 50 touches, First to 75 etc (how can you get 50 touches faster)

-look for players who work around the rules, look for those that follow exactly what you

2) Can you look to split two players (finding spaces behind and between players)


1) Every player has a ball except 2 (Defenders holding a pinnie)

2) The defender only has to touch the ball with their foot, when they do so they become the attacker and the player who was dribbling becomes the defender, now holding the pinnie

Coaching Points:


Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Part 1

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Part 1
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Part 1 (10 mins)


Set up as shown above


First Part (Less Experienced-Easy)

1) Defender passes to attacker, then runs through either, gate. (The defender may only change direction one time), the attacker must go through the opposite gate as the defender. If the attacker beats the defender they get 1 point (if needee adjust the distance the defender must run to make it possible for the attacker to have success)

Defender passes to attacker and then defends, but ony after running through middle of Gates

Attacker looks to score by dribbling through either gate

Defender scores by winning ball and scoring in either goal

Coaching Points:

1. Recognition of defender

2. Entry and Execution and Exit of move


Push Defender's starting position back further

Attacker Starts with the ball, but defender still dictates which gate by their action

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Part 1-Progression

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Part 1-Progression
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Part 1-Progression (10 mins)


Set up as shown above


Defender passes to attacker and then defends, but ony after running through middle of Gates

Attacker looks to score by dribbling through either gate, then continuing accross the end line under control

Defender scores by winning ball and scoring in either goal

Coaching Points:

1. Recognition of defender

2. Entry and Execution and Exit of move


attacker starts with ball

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Fully Opposed

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Fully Opposed
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Fully Opposed (10 mins)


- 20x20 area

- 3 players per line


- Player A passes to Player B and defends, but only after running through the middle channel between the pugs. Both players are trying to score in either PUG.

Coaching Points:

1. Quality of 1st touch (angle, direction, etc.).

2. Recognition of pressure / space (when do I turn? when do I use stop-start? size of touches, etc).

3. Protecting the ball.


Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Conditioned Game

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Conditioned Game
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Conditioned Game (10 mins)


Same Area as before with Central Cones removed

Players divided into two teams


• Flying changes, but goals on the side (as shown in Graphic)

• Any ball over the end line or a goal in the Pugs the defending team steps off, and a new team comes on, the new team coming on starts with the ball

Coaching Points:

1) Identification of Space

2) Positive 1st touch (drive at defender, makes it easier to unbalance defender)

3) Smaller touches on the ball when approaching Defender

4) Unbalance defender with ball movement

4) Unbalance defender with body movement (Use of body to sell the fake)

i) Dropping the shoulder

ii) Looking opposite way

iii) Opening up of hips

5) Timing of Execution of move based upon space between you and the defender

6) Exit touch acceleration after move

7) Final touch of move bigger (allows head to come up)

8) Accelerate away if looking to continue to dribblE

9) Cut across defender, If looking to continue dribbling


P-Players can dribble accross center line,

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Animation Controls (PCs, Macs, Laptops):

Play animation
Play step-by-step
Repeat (toggle)
Full Screen

Back/Forward: Drag timeline button