Football/Soccer Session (Academy Sessions): DtA (Decision Making in Crossing Scenarios); BtA (Around/Thru) - Development A - GK Acad (Wk 14) (Start Time: 2024-02-26 17:00:00)

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Pro-Club: Suburban Football Club

Alex Sheppard

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Alex Sheppard
Name: Alex Sheppard
City: Halifax
Country: Canada
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Football/Soccer
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Objective - Work basic decisions to be made around different crosses in DtA scenarios


  • Choice of technique - hold the ball or punch for distance?
  • Patience - see the flight, decide an action, act on ball
  • Communication in all situations (distro and crossing)
  • Choosing correct position and set for different DtA scenarios

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Warm Up - Keep 1 Up

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Warm Up - Keep 1 Up
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Warm Up - Keep 1 Up (5 mins)

Objective - Fun warmup to improve focus and coordination

  • Each keeper has a ball
  • An extra ball must be kept in the air at all times
  • Keeper must throw their ball in the air to catch the extra ball
Coaching Points
  • Communication
  • Good handling habits - particularly watching the ball in
  • Good footwork and set - weight forward, on balls of feet, stay square to extra bal

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): DtA Activation - Punching (Kneeling) w/Handling

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): DtA Activation - Punching (Kneeling) w/Handling
This session includes animated drill(s) Save Image: Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): DtA Activation - Punching (Kneeling) w/Handling Create Video:

DtA Activation - Punching (Kneeling) w/Handling (5 mins)

Objective - Introduce punching technique, isolating the upper 

  • 1) Keeper is in a kneeling set
  • 2) Keeper takes service to hands from S1
  • 3) Keeper punches thrown service from S2 to S3
Coaching Points
  • Two hands together to create large surface area
  • Extend through ball with arms and use body weight to maximize momentum
  • Use pace on the ball to achieve more height and distance

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): DtA Activation - Aerial Claim to Extension

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): DtA Activation - Aerial Claim to Extension
This session includes animated drill(s) Save Image: Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): DtA Activation - Aerial Claim to Extension Create Video:

DtA Activation - Aerial Claim to Extension (5 mins)

Objective - Reinforce good aerial technique while building ground familiarity

  • 1) Keeper begins behind mannequin
  • 2) Keeper comes around the back of mannequin for aerial claim
  • 3) Keeper recovers behind mannequin for low extension
Coaching Points
  • DON'T MOVE EARLY - Read, decide, act
  • Go back through the ball line (should always be jumping forwards, never back)
  • Take ball at highest point, keeping it in front of you and watching it in
  • Communicate on every rep

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Distro Activity - Around/Thru Pattern (Driven Ball)

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Distro Activity - Around/Thru Pattern (Driven Ball)
This session includes animated drill(s) Save Image: Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Distro Activity - Around/Thru Pattern (Driven Ball) Create Video:

Distro Activity - Around/Thru Pattern (Driven Ball) (10 mins)

Objective - Practice driven low ball while building good scanning habits

  • 1) GK shows for pass from 5
  • 2) GK must scan opposite side to see which colour cone is displayed by coach
  • 3) If blue - play and receive back from the 6. If red - skip directly to 4
  • 4) Prep touch and switch to 4
  • 5) Recieve back and play driven ball into mini goal(s)
Coaching Points
  • Scan on every reception
  • Good prep touch to prepare next action
  • Head and chest over the ball, hitting straight thru it with laces for driven ball
  • Communicate

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): DtA Scenario - Aerial claim thru contact w/reaction save

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): DtA Scenario - Aerial claim thru contact w/reaction save
This session includes animated drill(s) Save Image: Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): DtA Scenario - Aerial claim thru contact w/reaction save Create Video:

DtA Scenario - Aerial claim thru contact w/reaction save (20 mins)

Objective - Work ability to claim thru contact, as well as reaction saves

  • 1) GK claims aerial service thru contact with yoga ball
  • 2) GK returns service and takes up position in goal
  • 3) S2 takes a touch towards goal line before hitting cutback/cross
  • 4) GK must make reaction save from yoga ball (simulate header/volley)
Coaching Points
  • Don't move early on aerial claim - read, decide, then act
  • Dynamic positioning - cross/mixed/cutback based on touch
  • Scan to see movement of strikers
  • Be set and balanced - give yourself the best chance to make the saves you should make

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): DtA Scenario - Live cross to 1v1 multi-scenario

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): DtA Scenario - Live cross to 1v1 multi-scenario
This session includes animated drill(s) Save Image: Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): DtA Scenario - Live cross to 1v1 multi-scenario Create Video:

DtA Scenario - Live cross to 1v1 multi-scenario (15 mins)

Objective - Work aerial technique/decisions while non-working GKs face 1v1 situations

  • 1) Cross delivered from either side
  • 2) If claimed, GK releases ball from hands and goes 1v1 with either mini-goal (2 touches)
  • 3) If not claimed, play is live and either non-working GK can score
Coaching Points
  • Don't move early - read, decide, then act
  • Clear and early communication
  • Decision around technique - catch v punch
  • Reinforce good 1v1 habits - set, movement, choice of technique

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