Football/Soccer Session (Moderate): FINISHING AND SHOOTING (Start Time: 2024-02-26 18:30:00)

Profile Summary

Marco Ramos
Name: Marco Ramos
City: porter
Country: United States of America
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Football/Soccer
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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): SHOOTING DRILL

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): SHOOTING DRILL
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  • In a regular 9v9 midfield, mark three stations with cones (A, B and C)A
  • Station A will have 4 poles in front of it, spaced 1 yd apart.
  • Station B is just a reference cone where the group of players will be located.
  • Station C is also just a reference cone to locate the third group of players.
  • Assign Balls to each group
  • Use a GK
  • The players in Station A must begin driving the ball through the posts by shooting at the goal at the end of its journey.
  • Player from Station A immediately after his shot must turn and receive the pass from the player from Station B and make a 1-2.
  • Player of Station B, upon receiving the return pass from player A, must shoot at goal.
  • Player C, attentive as soon as B shoots, must drive the ball to the end line and make a crossed pass towards the center of the area so that A and B can shoot at the goal.
  • Player A and B remain in the large area to receive a center pass from Player C and shoot at goal.
Work this for 20 minutes
Rotate groups every 5 or 8 minutes
Make a challenge of which group scores the most goals

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