Football/Soccer Session (Academy Sessions): Breakaways Angels u12 Session 4

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Evagelos Vassilaras

Profile Summary

Evagelos Vassilaras
Name: Evagelos Vassilaras
City: New York
Country: United States of America
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Football/Soccer
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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Technical

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Technical
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Technical (20 mins)


1 Goalkeeper


- Players dribble out into space and strike before reaching a given line (red cones).

- After shooting the player becomes the goalie.

- After being goalie, players retrieve ball then return to the shooting line.

- Players get point for scoring and point for making a save.

- Play for given amount of time, move players around based on score, favorite team, player,etc.

Coaching Points:

- Observation of the Goalkeeper.

- Choice of technique based upon distance, position of the GK.

- CPs of technique chosen.

- Positive attitude towards shooting.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Breakaway / 1v1

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Breakaway / 1v1
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Breakaway / 1v1 (25 mins)


- Players in pairs (ball / player)

- Both players begin in gate, one standing behind the other as shown facing the goal.


- Player A (white) passes the ball for Red to run onto

- Player B drives at goal for a breakaway.

- As soon as player B shoots he get his ball, and player A becomes B(attacker) to score against player the GK.

- Next group begins

- Both players retrieve a ball and return to line.


- Judging the weight of the ball

- Observing and judging the speed of the GK (is the chip on? Or slide past him either side)

- Can you finish early?

- Can you look to unbalance the GK and if so can you exploit by taking a bigger touch.

Coaching Points:


- Recognition of pressure and goalkeeper's position (size and angle of touch to get in behind or open up a shooting lane)

- Quality of strike (angle of approach, foot / ball contact point, proper follow through depending on technique, etc.).

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Conditioned Game

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Conditioned Game
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Conditioned Game (25 mins)


- As shown (short area, every player is within scoring distance).

- 3 teams of 4 (1 GK).

- Soccer balls with coach.


- Two teams of 4 (1 GK, 2 defenders, 1 attacker) resticted to half as shown (2v1 +GK in defensive half).

- One team sitting out are retreiving soccer balls and returning them to the coach.

- Nuetral plays ball into area, players play until goal is scored or ball leaves area. Nuetral plays new ball in immediately.

- Teams play to given amount of goals or time period (2/3 goals or 2 minutes) and teams rotate roles.

Coaching Points:

- Quality of technique from previous slides.

- Shooting mentality when receiving.

- Ability to create space for myself or teammates to get shot on goal.

- Player in attacking half's ability to be ready to get rebound.


- Players no longer restricted to half.

- Winning team stays on.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Free Play

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Free Play
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Free Play (25 mins)


3 vs 3

4 vs 4

Resting team around perimeter for out of bounds ball

After Goal they come in, relaxing team is on perimeter


Free Play

Coaching Points:

1. Positive attitude to shooting

2. Following in after a shot

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