Football/Soccer Session (Academy Sessions): U9 Girls Red S16- Sesson 6 (Start Time: 2016-03-31 16:00:00)

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Pro-Club: RBNY Academy Inc

Max DuBane

Profile Summary

Max DuBane
Name: Max DuBane
City: New York
Country: United States of America
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Football/Soccer
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Learning Outcomes:

1. Learning the correct timing and movements of an overlap for the player with and without the ball.

2. Continuting to improve the technical skills involved in the warm up.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Pre Game Warm Up

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Pre Game Warm Up
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Pre Game Warm Up (15 mins)


1. 12x6 yard area.

2. Three to Four players per area.

3. One ball per group.


1. Four activities. Perfomed twice.

2. One minute per round.


A1. Takeover (right foot only)

A2. Takeover (left foot only)

B1. Give and go

B2. Give and go (one touch only)

C1. Two touch passing- Sprint (first touch must keep ball in your half)

C2. Two touch passing- Sprint (first touch must keep ball in your half and angled diagonally forward)

D1. One touch passing- Sprint

D2. One touch passing- Sprint

Coaching Points:

1. Takeover- Messi touches with pinky toe. One touch per step. Dribbling foot in front of the other.

2. Give and go- Play return pass with the bck foot so the ball doesn't spin away. Sharp movement to get wide.

3. Two touch- First touch out of your feet. If ball is played to feet use the outside of the foot. If ball is wide use inside of the foot touch.

4. One touch- Toe up heel down. Eye on the part of the ball you want to strike. If ball is payed on the ground hit the middle of the ball. If ball is bouncing, hit the top of the ball and lean forward.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Overlap Repetition

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Overlap Repetition
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Overlap Repetition (15 mins)


1. Two lines on attackers on the same side. One line of defenders, starting with a ball.

2. Rotate lines after three minutes.


1. Game starts with defender passing the ball to either attacker and following the pass to defend.

2. First attacker (player with ball) takes first touch inside to free up space on the outside for the overlapping player.

3. Attackers try to dribble across the opposite endline to win. Defenders can score by stealing the ball and dribbling across counter line.

Coaching Points:

1. Second attacker's (attacker without the ball) cue to make the overlapping run is first attackers touch inside.

2. First attackers has three choices.

-Dribble the ball across the solo. (when defender does not apply direct pressure)

-Pass to overlapping player, outside of the foot pass. (when direct pressure is applied to the first attacker)

-Fake the pass to the overlapping player and dribble solo over the line. (when defender's attention is on the overlapping run. Use body and head fake)

3. Can the second attacker, overlapping player, call for the pass to attrack the attention of the defender.


1. Keep score. If blue and white are attacking together. Both teams get a point everytime they dribble across the line.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): 3v3v3

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): 3v3v3
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3v3v3 (15 mins)


1. 3v3 One team out.

2. Two goal or three minutes, which ever comes first. Winner stays on. If a tie longest team on comes off.

Coaching Points:

1. Pass and look to overlap the player you passes to.

2. Move the ball quickly.

3. Constant movement off the ball to create good angles and find passing lanes.


1. Every succesful (completed pass) overlap scores a point.

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Animation Controls (PCs, Macs, Laptops):

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Repeat (toggle)
Full Screen

Back/Forward: Drag timeline button