Football/Soccer Session (Moderate): BUILD ATTACKING IN THE MID. THIRD (Start Time: 2024-02-20 17:30:00)

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Marco Ramos
Name: Marco Ramos
City: porter
Country: United States of America
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Football/Soccer
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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): RONDO POSITIONAL 7v7

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): RONDO POSITIONAL 7v7
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RONDO POSITIONAL 7v7 (30 mins)


  • In the middle of a 9v9 field mark a 50x50 yard square.
  • Divide this field into Four zones (Two central Mid. Third zones and Two Def Third zones)
  • Use 4 small goals, two on each side of the field
  • Divide the team into two groups (Red and Green), each team with 7 players who will be divided into 1 Neutral player off the field at one end and two defensive players in the DT zone (def. third), 3 players in the MT ( Mid. Third).
  • Create a 2 v 1 in Def Third and 3 v 3 in Mid. Third
  • Enough balls
  • training vests
  • A team begins possession and attack from the Neutral player trying to pass lines forward.
  • The opposing player in Def. Third will try to prevent the ball from reaching the Midfielders.
  • In the center there is 3 v 3, the team in possession will try to pass the ball to the front zone creating a pass between the lines.
  • The Attacker will try to score in the small goals (2 points) or play with the Neutral Player (1 Point), who will play with his team and restart the attack towards the other side.
  • When the Midfielders manage to pass the ball into the attack zone, two of them will be able to enter the attack zone and create numerical superiority.
  • The game ends if the ball goes out and restarts when either team scores.

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