Football/Soccer Session (Moderate): STG S6 Technical + Width (Start Time: 2024-02-26 17:00:00)

Profile Summary

Jordan Grinham
Name: Jordan Grinham
City: Sydney
Country: Australia
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Football/Soccer
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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): 2 Phase passing Drill

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): 2 Phase passing Drill
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2 Phase passing Drill (20 mins)

Focus: Horizontal Passing Skills use to switch play


Phase 1) Small Passing Focus
  • Lines stand on the outside, Ball plays on the inside
  • Promote accuracy to back foot
  • Firm passes and sprint to back of line
  • Communication with pass and voice

Phase 2) Long Pass actions

  • Players start on the inside, check out at the correct time, receive and sprint to inside of marker.
  • Play into the back foot
  • Directional touch towards target 

Players to focus on:- Jacob: Passing technique needs work.- Alessandro, Micha, JP, Matthew : Fullbacks need to become proficient at passing skills.  

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): 2 vs 2 + 2 (Horizontal Possession)

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): 2 vs 2 + 2 (Horizontal Possession)
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2 vs 2 + 2 (Horizontal Possession) (20 mins)

Horizontal Possession:

Variation 1) 

  • BPO: One defender must stay inside the Centre at all times
  • BP: Both players must touch the ball before it goes through, must move to another zone after passing. 
Variation 2)
  • BPO: Defenders allowed anywhere, teach how to defend in twos (delay and cover)
  • BP:  No restrictions, Bouncers can be tackled. 


  • Value wide spaces, movement and timing is key to utilising them 
  • Passing into back foot and touch away from pressure. 
  • Movement after pass, to avoid having no passing options. 

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): 6 vs 6

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): 6 vs 6
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6 vs 6 (30 mins)

6 vs 6: 

  • Wide zones have unlimited touch 
  • Middle area has 2 touch, promote quick movement of the ball (In a game, more opposition players will be central, fast and effective ball movement will be key).
  • Wide Goals are worth 1 goal, central goal are worth 5. 
  • BP: How can players use width and depth together to maintain possession. Players must play into both wide areas before scoring. 
  • BPO: How can be structure ourselves to protect the central area. (Defend 3-3, who acts as first defender? Delay, Cover Balance Principles, Transition). Apply pressure in twos, can we identify when to jump from the structure. 

If players get tired, finish with 6 vs 6 game no rules. Extra players can also act like Centre Halves between goals or link players, possibly take out middle goals. 

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