Football/Soccer Session (Beginner): Challengers week Jan 16

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Adam Tobia

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Adam Tobia
Name: Adam Tobia
City: Burnaby
Country: Canada
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Football/Soccer
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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Green Light, Yellow Light, Red Light.

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Green Light, Yellow Light, Red Light.
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Green Light, Yellow Light, Red Light. (25 mins)

Red Light, Green Light, Yellow Light. 


Divide the group up into maximum groups of 8 players per coach. all the players have a ball. coaches yell out a colour representing an action. 

Red - stop dribbling and stop the ball at your feet. 

Yellow - slow dribble around the square with small touches keeping the ball close to your feet

Green - dribble around the square fast!! but be careful not to run into anyone! 


Ask the players to add a colour and an action. and example might be 

Purple - do 5 star jumps 

Orange - do a step-over 

these will be fun silly tasks the kids will enjoy and keep them engaged. 

Coaching points 

- Encourage kids to stop the ball with the sole of their foot - provide an example of this. 

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Ice Breaker

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Ice Breaker
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Ice Breaker (10 mins)

Ice Breaker/ Coaches Say's

Have players facing each other approximately 1 meter apart and place a soccer ball or cone between them

The player will respond to the coach's call: IE Touch your Head, Knees, Shoulders, Toes, Hips. The coach will call out either ball or cone, and the player who grabs the soccer ball/cone first wins 10 points.


Play Simon says, however, change it to coaches says.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Run Away from the Coach!

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Run Away from the Coach!
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Run Away from the Coach! (10 mins)

Organization: 8-10min  

Set up : cones, balls, grid size to match players abilities

Activity: Have all the players work together to keep 1 or 2 balls away from the coaches.

Progression: Add another ball in to challenge the players

Coaching points : Technical - Passing: 

See the player first (communicate, eye contact, vocal or using your body)

Body position (planting foot slightly ahead of the ball so your body is over the ball, eyes on the ball,  lock your ankle, follow through, weight of the pass, part of the foot, and part of the ball)

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Battleships

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Battleships
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Battleships (10 mins)

Put your players in pair and set up a ball on a cone for each pair.

The players starts off about 4 or 5 yards away from the ball on the cone (battleship). Have them take turns trying to pass the ball into the battle ship and  knock the ball off the cone, if they hit the battleship they have to quickly reset the ball on the cone.

Make it into a competition, which pair can hit the battleship the most in two minutes.

If it is too easy make them take a step back every time they hit the battleship.

Make sure your players are using correct technique, plant foot next to bal and striking the middle of the ball with the inside of the foot. Can the players do this with both feet?

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Small Sided Games 3v3-4v4

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Small Sided Games 3v3-4v4
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Small Sided Games 3v3-4v4 (25 mins)

Set-up 1-2 fields and play 3v3-4v4

Coaching Points:
  • Ensure proper rules of the game are being followed!!!!
  • Allow players time to get used to the activity before stepping in.

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Animation Controls (PCs, Macs, Laptops):

Play animation
Play step-by-step
Repeat (toggle)
Full Screen

Back/Forward: Drag timeline button