Football/Soccer Session (Moderate): U10 Girls - Possession in Team Shape - 4/4/16

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Reseller-Club: Premier Users' Club

Mass City 2

Profile Summary

Mass City  2
Name: Mass City 2
City: Norwell
Country: United States of America
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Football/Soccer
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Teaching the 3-3-1

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Warm-up

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Warm-up
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Warm-up (20 mins)

After the juggles and rondos upon arrival we go straight into a 6v2 'Rondo'. The area is large for 2 reasons: 1) To promote success from the start and, 2) To simulate realistic positions on the field in a game. Players are encouraged to stay in their halves and in good space on angles. Set up twice depending on numbers. May have to be 6v1 twice.

Coaching Points

- Remain in good shape / space

- Can pass to whoever you think is the best option

- Play away from pressure

- Don't dwell on the ball - maybe limit 3 touches

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Expanded Activity

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Expanded Activity
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Expanded Activity (20 mins)

Now we have a Striker and another Defender in the box right before the goal. The aim is to get the ball into the striker's feet as quickly as possible. Depending on where the ball enters the box, one of the 3 midfielder's enters to support and create a 2v1.

Coaching Points

- Striker must move along with the ball in order to be an easier pass

- Speed of Play

- Quick run to support striker

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Full Scrimmage

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Full Scrimmage
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Full Scrimmage (20 mins)

Set up in a 3-3-1 formation. Play a scrimmage but award 2 goals if we can attack wide through one of the gates before feeding the ball in to the striker. Team shape is important, freeze the game to highlight individual positioning errors if they cannot be fixed by coaching on the fly.

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