Football/Soccer Session (Academy Sessions): U13 Lady Strikers Week 2 (Defending)

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Daniel Taylor

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Daniel  Taylor
Name: Daniel Taylor
City: Lakewood
Country: United States of America
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Football/Soccer
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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): SAQ

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): SAQ
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SAQ (5 mins)


-2 even lines of players


- Go twice through each exercise.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): 2v2

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): 2v2
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2v2 (15 mins)





Defenders pass the ball to the closest Attacker and apply pressure immediatly.

Second Attacker will move to the other half of the field and be ready to receive pass

Attackers try to score goal, if the Defenders win the ball they try to counter attacke and score goal.

Coaching Points:

1-Recap roles of 1st defender (pressure or delay)

2-Role of 2nd defender = Cover the 1st defender

3-Angle of support (making sure you are able to stop the penetrative pass/shot)

4-Communication (making sure that you are telling the 1st defender where you want them to force the play)

5-Quick transition from 2nd to 1st defender if the ball moves

6-Quick transition from 1st to 2nd defender (block opportunity to penetrate quickly)


1- Defender pass to the far Attacker.

2- take of the half line and play 2 vs 2 situation to start applying pressure and cover.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Main Activity 2

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Main Activity 2
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Main Activity 2 (25 mins)

Organization:12x24 2v2+2 nutrals on the outside


Players will play 2v2 in the middle with nutrals on the outside, nutrals have 2 touch. Players in the middle will play to pug goals on one side. Defending team will look to defend goals and gates. Attackers get 2 points for scoring in pugs or one point for dribbling through orange gates.

Coaching Points:

-Put pressure on Ball

-Pressure on Movement, while ball moves

-Flat and shallow= space behind

-1st defender pressures, 2nd defender covers

-Recognize when role changes

-Force attacker to get head down


Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Conditioned Game

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Conditioned Game
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Conditioned Game (30 mins)

Organization:24x36 3 zones 5v5 + 2 Nutrals

Instructions:Players Play 5v5 with 2 Nutrals. Players try and score on the 2 pugs. When defending Players must be in 2 zones and have one zone open.

Coaching Points:

-Pressure, Cover

-Press ball to force attackers head down

-Compactness when defending

-1st and 2nd Defenders responsibilities

- Balance (Roles and responsibilities)


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