Adel Alchamat
Name: | Adel Alchamat |
City: | Bayonne |
Country: | United States of America |
Membership: | Adult Member |
Sport: | Football/Soccer |
See the guidance at the top of this page to understand why you are not seeing interactive Football/Soccer images.
20*30Y small cones 7 yrds from the starting line
players are in pairs, start dribbling with small touches to the cone,
Coaching Points:
1-Small touches approching the cones ( small space)
2-Big touches after dribbling the cones
3- first touch after passing the cones
4- communication with the pther player on when to start dribbling
Add more cones so players can do ZikZak dribbling
See the guidance at the top of this page to understand why you are not seeing interactive Football/Soccer images.
20*30 Y, 4small gate, 2 end zones
team try to reach to the end zone by dribbling.
Coaching Points:
add small gates.
3 passes before reaching to the end zone
See the guidance at the top of this page to understand why you are not seeing interactive Football/Soccer images.
Real Game with a real rules, 2 teams, 2 goals
Free Game.
Coaching Points:
apply what the players learn through the session.
© Copyright 2022 Sport Session Planner Ltd.
Developed with Partnership Developers, a division of Kyosei Systems.
Animation Controls (PCs, Macs, Laptops):
Play animation
Play step-by-step
Repeat (toggle)
Full Screen
Back/Forward: Drag timeline button
Warm Up (15 mins)
20*30 blue and red gates, eac player with a ball
players try to go through the gates as much as they can, big gates needs a big touch, small gates needs a small touch
Coaching Points:
1-Touch every step, pinky toe, head up - when defenders are close
2-Big touches in space, head up after every touch, take ball in stride (when space is available)
3-Use body to shield ball / dribble with correct foot to protect ball
4-Position the body in between the ball and opponent
5-Stay sideways-on to protect the ball and provide balance
6-Body weight is on the leg nearest to the defender
7-Extend the arms to feel for the defender and be a bigger obstacle
Head up to observe available options
add 2 Defenders
take off the gates, now its a knouck out game, last player with the ball win.