Football/Soccer Session (Academy Sessions): WYSL Select - Spring 2016 - Session 1 - 1v1 Attacking

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Aaron Anderson-Winchell

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Aaron Anderson-Winchell
Name: Aaron Anderson-Winchell
City: Middletown
Country: United States of America
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Football/Soccer
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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Dynamic Warm Up

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Dynamic Warm Up
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Dynamic Warm Up (15 mins)


2 groups of 6 or 7 set up as shown, with each group split in to two lines facing each other approximately 12 to 15 yds away


players will either dribble across the area to give the ball to the next player in the other line, or pass across the area to the next player (each example is shown)

once the first player has played the ball to the next player in the opposite line (by dribbling or passing) he runs out to the 3 cones on the side of the area and side-shuffles to slalom through the cones,

once through the 3 cones the player will perform the dynamic movment (i.e. knees up, skips, etc.) to the next cone then get back in the nearest line

the next receiving player waits until the ball reaches him, then repeats in the opposite direction

Coaching Points:

quality of dribble, or touch and pass

quality of execution of dynamic movement

posture and balance when performing dynamic movement


Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Ball Mastery

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Ball Mastery
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Ball Mastery (10 mins)


All players with a ball 


players will work on performing the demonstrated dribbling technique, first as a static technique, then while moving (Roll cannon-same foot, Roll scissors-same foot)

Coaching Points:

footwork and execution of the move

use of body to sell the fake

ability to take touch into space after performing the move

head up as touch comes out of feet


Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): 1v1 to goal

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): 1v1 to goal
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1v1 to goal (15 mins)


groups of 4 in each grid, set up as shown


player closest to goal begins with ball (player 1), player 1 plays double pass with player 2 at middle cone, then plays pass to player 3 to receive at other end

once player 3 on opposite end recieves the ball, it becomes a 1v1 to goal between player 3 (attacker) and player 1 (defender)

Player 3 is trying to dribble past defender to reach opposite end of grid in order to earn a shot on goal, player 1 attempts to win the ball back and score in counter goal

Roatation: Player 1 becomes Player 2, Player 2 becomes Player 3, Player 3 becomes Player 1

Coaching Points:

ability to take defender on 1v1 with messi touches

execution of move

ronaldo touch to get past defender and into space

preparation to shoot once past defender

quality of end product


addition of GK in large goal; lines take turns

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): 3v3 Conditioned game

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): 3v3 Conditioned game
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3v3 Conditioned game (20 mins)


3v3 to endzones as shown


Team facing the large goal is attempting to enter the endzone in possession, then try to shoot on the large goal to score

Team defending the large goal attempt to win possession and get into their attacking endzone to score

Switch ends on every defensive goal

Coaching Points:

team shape to use all of the field and try to isolate defenders 1v1

recognize moments to take the defender on 1v1 in order to penetrate

quality of end product, decision of when and how to shoot


Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Free Play

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Free Play
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Free Play (20 mins)


GK-2-3-1 formation for both teams, use edge of 18yd box for field width


Free play

Coaching Points:

team shape and balance

decision to go 1v1 (when, where)


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