Football/Soccer Session (Difficult): Counter Attack - 5v5 exploit the end zones

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David Lattavo

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David Lattavo
Name: David Lattavo
City: Stouffville
Country: Canada
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Football/Soccer
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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Counter Attack - 5v5 exploit the end zones

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Counter Attack - 5v5 exploit the end zones
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Counter Attack - 5v5 exploit the end zones (20 mins)


30x30 yard grid. Big area with 10 yard end zones on each side. Play starts from GK plays CBs. CB to get the ball into end zone for ST to make a run into Attacking zone to create space and receive ball. Quick touch to control, quick shot, or combination for a quick goal. Opposite team to do the same when in possession.

Key Factors:

Players in other zones need to know what is happening in the other areas.

players must position themselves in space to receive and play forward to next zone. attacker must create space in ATT zone to receive and shoot. Players need to create 3rd man opportunities into space. 


 Limit touches

Add defender into space. 

End zones 

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