Futsal Session (Beginner): Woodlands Campus Infantil Session

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Reseller-Club: Premier Users' Club

Marcos Palacios

Profile Summary

Marcos Palacios
Name: Marcos Palacios
City: Spring
Country: United States of America
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Futsal
Futsal Session Plan Drill (Colour): Overview

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Futsal Session Plan Drill (Colour): Overview
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Woodlands Campus Infantil Session

Time: 10:45 AM - 12:00 PM

Court: 1

Players: 13-15

Coaches: 2 (JT/MP)

Topic: Dribbling/passing/receiving/movement/Possession with speed

Time: 75 Minutes

Section 1: Technical Dribbling/Movement

Section 2: Passing/Receiving

Section 3: Movement to receive pass

Every section needs to have fun ending game

Futsal Session Plan Drill (Colour): Section 1 - Technical Dribbling

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Futsal Session Plan Drill (Colour): Section 1 - Technical Dribbling
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Section 1 - Technical Dribbling

Section 1: Technical Dribbling (20 Minutes)

Areas of focus:

1. Keeping ball tight and under control

2. constant movement

3. speed

Set up: 4 grids 5x5, 1 in each corner of half.

Split into 2 even teams, every player with ball

1. Players in center performing any type of dribble or skill they want - 1 minute

2. Players perform skills on coaches call - 5 minutes

a. shuffles - 30 seconds

b. sole rolls and manipulations of ball - 2 minutes

c. inside/outside/both - 2 minutes

d. V pulls - 30 seconds

3. Team A in corner grids, Team B inside. Team A tries to dribble from corner to corner without being tagged by Team B. Corner grids are safe zones - 1 minute games then switch - Total 8 minutes

Futsal Session Plan Drill (Colour): Section 2 - Movement

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Futsal Session Plan Drill (Colour): Section 2 - Movement
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Section 2 - Movement

Section 2 - Movement

Areas of focus

1. Receiving ball properly

2. Touch inside

3. movement into grid then out

4. If time allows, add possession game at end

Set Up: Same 20x20 grid as before

1. Players on each corner, receiving to turn, passing in square.

2. Passing will be horizontally across top of arc - players take first touch inside, movement into grid after pass. Player fills space - 10 Minutes

3. Passing pattern now includes pass into center - 10 minutes

4. Possession Games/Rondos - Played across entire half, half broken into 4 quarters

a. 4v1/5v1 - teams score by getting into center grid. Player must move into different quarter after they pass, no more than 2 players in each quarter.

Futsal Session Plan Drill (Colour): Section 3 - Speed of possession

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Futsal Session Plan Drill (Colour): Section 3 - Speed of possession
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Section 3 - Speed of possession

Section 3

Areas of focus:

1. Speed of play

2. Breaking line with first touch

3. Finding the opening and exploiting space

Set Up:

Across entire court

2 even teams

possession, point scored by getting ball into opposite side of court

1. ball must be on ground

2. ball can be in air

3. ball must be received in middle grid, turned, and then into top grid

Players must sprint to opposite grid after pass, teammate must fill space

Animation Controls (PCs, Macs, Laptops):

Play animation
Play step-by-step
Repeat (toggle)
Full Screen

Back/Forward: Drag timeline button