Robert fleming
Name: | Robert fleming |
City: | Sydney |
Country: | Australia |
Membership: | Adult Member |
Sport: | Football/Soccer |
Football Problem /Opportunity
- During build up at the weekend we often lost a central structure which meant we either couldnt progress the ball effectivley or were isolated when in wide areas
Practice Aim
- Emphasis on the midfield box
- Supporting the wide players with triangles
- Will be played in smaller areas tonight (outside of the instrucuture possession) may not do this depending on how good /bad the initial passing practice is. If they are locked on within that then we will go straight to the rotational game
- S&C work to be done post session
Coaching Observations
- Do we create a box midfield shape and what is the orientation of that
- Do we create wide triangles in possession to support the wide player and make sure they always have at least 2 options
- Do we recognise when to rotate to maximise opening passing lanes, or are we rotating away from supporting a team mate?
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Practice Aim
- Rotation to create space
- Find the free player
- 4v4+1 practice
- Yellow attack N/S and Blue E/W
- Once a team scores in one goal then they have to attack the opposite end
- In possession then the sides are locked into their squares, however they can rotate between. Neutral is free
- Do players take advanatge of the free player
- Bodyshape to receive
- Movement and rotation to create space to play in whilst not restricting the ability for another team mate to carry /receive the ball into
- Opportunities to isolate a defending player
Pitch Size
30 x 30
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Practice Aim
- Central structure to support balls into wide areas
- Split into 4 teams
- 4v4 centrally but they can also use the 4 outside players in the half which they are attacking within
- Replicates (inc GK) back 3 and 2 CDM the 2 wide outside players are WB and the 2 top outside players AM
Pitch Size
- Dble Pen Box
- 3 players inc one of the wide outside players need to touch the ball during build up
- However, should the ball be one in the opposition half then the team now in possession can shoot within 3 sec. If above that then they must build up
- Structure to enable build up (create wide triangles)
- Finding the free player(s)
- Movement of the free players
- Using the bodyshape of the opponent to recognise passing lanes and opportunties to break lines
- When wide how do the players move to pull apart opponent defensive block
key moment here is if ball is with the wide player do we have someone under the ball to open up other passing lanes rather than rotate away
- Out of possession principles
- Both wide players can be used but cannot play to each other
- Allow rotations
See the guidance at the top of this page to understand why you are not seeing interactive Football/Soccer images.
© Copyright 2022 Sport Session Planner Ltd.
Developed with Partnership Developers, a division of Kyosei Systems.
Animation Controls (PCs, Macs, Laptops):
Play animation
Play step-by-step
Repeat (toggle)
Full Screen
Back/Forward: Drag timeline button
Warm Up & Activation (10 mins)
Practice Aim
- Activation practice for body shape, scanning and movement to receive
- Balls start in opposite corners
- Player A into C and back to A to play into B (up back and through)
- Player B sets back to C
- Player C plays a cross field pass to Player D (driven pass)
Rotations and Blocks
Play in 2 min blocks
Block 1: Follow pass as per alphabet (60% run)
Block 2: Follow pass but now player C moves to opposite corner (replicate running to back post) (60% to first cone - 80% to opposite side)
Block 3: Follow pass but player C now runs to Player D (60%) and then turns and runs back (100%) to back of starting line
Coaching Details
- Correct foot played into
- Movement off of cones and creating angles to receive
- Hip alignment to target