Football/Soccer Session (Beginner): U9G Training Session

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Reseller-Club: Premier Users' Club

Barcelona United

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Barcelona United
Name: Barcelona United
City: Pickerington
Country: United States of America
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Football/Soccer
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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Endurance Training

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Endurance Training
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Endurance Training

Week 1 Endurance Training(20 minutes):

Static/Dynamic Stretches: (goal of no more than 5 minutes)

1. High Knees

2. Butt Kickers

3. Arm circles

4. Calf Stretch

5. Hamstring Stretch

6. Quad Stretch 

Run 100 Meters, Walk 300 meters

Run 45 seconds, Walk 3:45 minutes (at 6 mph pace or 10 minute mile)

13:30 minutes endurance training

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Finishing/Open Hips/Foot

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Finishing/Open Hips/Foot
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Finishing/Open Hips/Foot

20 Minutes:

Organization:  20 x 20-yard area and focuses on players quick movements and finishing ability in front of goal. To begin(10 minutes), Players start at bottom of 20x20 box in gates. Players will dribble up to and perform a skill/fake move before mannequin, left line will perform a skill move towards left, and right line right to the right.  There are cones set up in a "triangle" as a guide to aim for corners.  Red players will need to control touch and enable to put the ball in position to allow for a left foot shot (use of inside foot to change direction).  Opposite for White.  Opening hips and foot, along with ball control, are important to be successful in this drill.  

Progression: Players are split into two teams competing to score the most goals. To begin, player 11, Red, sprints out and round the mannequin and runs to the central cone. Red, will pass the ball in for their teammate to finish with a shot. After finishing, the player will become the goalkeeper while the White team start their sequence. The team with the most goals after a set time wins.

Key Coaching Points:

1. Decision whether to use power or accuracy 

2. Quick movement around the mannequin and to central cone 

3. Team encouragement 

4. Good passes to ensure players can finish quickly


How to open hips and foot? 

How does being able to open hips help with passing and/or shots on goal? 

How can improve striking/finishing techniques? 

How to improve timing and decision where to place the ball? 

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): 2v1 Drill

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): 2v1 Drill
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2v1 Drill

15 minutes:


This attacking combination practice can be used to develop combination play in final third to finish attacks. The practice area is a 30 x 30 on the outside with 10 x 10 inside area. 2 players combine to beat single defender to score in mini goal. If defender wins possession, players must run ball over line to score.

Up to 12 players per 30x30 area, or minimum 3 players per goal section for 2v1.  Rotate Positions every few minutes to make sure each player is a defender.

Key Coaching Points:

How can you predict defenders movements?
How are defenders reacting to the practice? What should you do as a result?
What must you do to get shot off quickly in attacking half?

Player Focus: Angles and Distances | Recognition of Space | Quick Passing | Movement to Lose Players | Double Movement | Final Pass | Execute Finish

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Small Sided Game

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Small Sided Game
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Small Sided Game

20 Minutes:

21 Players: (Mackenzie and Alayna - Out)

3 Teams 5 (1-3-1)

1 Team 6 (2-3-1)

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