Football/Soccer Session (Moderate): Build-Up Play Movement

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Tyler Johnstone

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Tyler Johnstone
Name: Tyler Johnstone
City: Nottingham
Country: United Kingdom
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Football/Soccer
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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Arrival

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Arrival
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Arrival (10 mins)


Players in the middle dribble around avioding each other using close control. They pass into a free man in the corner zones. The player in the corner then dribbles out of the corner and the player who passed the ball takes place in the free corner.

Progression: Add bibs for the players to carry and when they pass the ball into the corner player they have to shout the players bib colour who they are passing to and the bib colour of the man nearest behind/to the side of them.

Progression: Add a defender to intercept passes?

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Main Drill

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Main Drill
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Main Drill (20 mins)

Player 1 plays a give and go with Player 2

Player 1 then passes the ball to Player 3

Player 3 passes back to Player 1

Player 1 plays the ball to Player 4

Player 3 runs and touches the first pole side-stepping, sprints and touches the forward pole, the quickly runs backwards around the final pole, then sprinting to meet a through ball played by Player 4.

Player 4 plays a ball through for 3 (after touching the cones) to take 1 touch and shoot before the box)

After each run thorugh Player 1 takes place of Player 2, Player 2 takes place of Player 3 and Player 3 takes place of Player 4

Progression: Player 3 could overlap player 4 down the wing, then player 3 could cut the ball back to the edge of the box for a shot by Player 4.

Progression: Beat the keeper who is coming out to collect the ball when the through ball is played to Player 3.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Game-Related Drill

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Game-Related Drill
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Game-Related Drill (20 mins)


Players are restricted to their third (defensive,midfield,attacking)

The ball has to travel through each third (cannot go straight from defensive to attcking)

When a player passes a ball into the next third they can run and in and support the player in that third.

When possession is lost the players must return to their original third.

The goalkeeper can only play the ball into the defensive zone.

If uneven numer of players add a striker to one team , and tell the team which has a 2v2 in the defensive zone to use the keeper to play out from the back also.


Play into feet to allow the player to play the ball back into the supporting player.

As soon as the pass is made the player must react quick and run into the next zone to offer help and create space.

Progression: Number of passes until they can play into the next zone or limit number of touches (harder)

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Animation Controls (PCs, Macs, Laptops):

Play animation
Play step-by-step
Repeat (toggle)
Full Screen

Back/Forward: Drag timeline button