Futsal Session (Junior): We Phases - 123 Attackers (Start Time: 2024-02-21 10:55:00)

Profile Summary

Gabriel Bolton
Name: Gabriel Bolton
City: Turlock
Country: United States of America
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Futsal
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Introductory Futsal Session.  

Futsal Session Plan Drill (Colour): Dynamic Stretch

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Futsal Session Plan Drill (Colour): Dynamic Stretch
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Dynamic Stretch (10 mins)

Dynamic Stretches

1. Legs apart, bounce L, C, R (5x) 2. Calves 1, 2, 3 switch (2x each leg) 3. Knee to chest into Figure 4 with footwork in between (2x each) 4. Quad strech with footwork in between (2x each) 5. Speed skater with footwork in between (2x each) 6. Spiderman/Rollback (4x each) 7. Reverse RDL + Reverse lunge + Overhead reach (4x each) 8. Open/Close the Gate (4x each) 9. Lateral lunge (2x each) 10. Squat Jumps (4x each)


Futsal Session Plan Drill (Colour): WU - Mini Band

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Futsal Session Plan Drill (Colour): WU - Mini Band
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WU - Mini Band (10 mins)

Mini Band Work - (1) front raises x5 each leg, (2) lateral raises x5 each leg, (3) backward raises x5 each leg, (4) hamstring curl x5 each leg, (5) bent leg raise high knee x5 each leg, (6) diagonal walk 5 forward and 5 backward, (7) lateral walk 5 right and 5 left.

Futsal Session Plan Drill (Colour): WU - Sprints

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Futsal Session Plan Drill (Colour): WU - Sprints
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WU - Sprints (5 mins)

Sprint Warm-Up Work - (1) fast feet sprint x 10 yards, (2) up and back x 10 yard sprint, (3) cross over step x 10 yard sprint, (4) single leg bound x 10 yard sprint, (5) bound x 3 and 10 yard sprint.

Futsal Session Plan Drill (Colour): Ball Mastery - Passing Squares

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Futsal Session Plan Drill (Colour): Ball Mastery - Passing Squares
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Ball Mastery - Passing Squares (10 mins)

Objective:  improve our ability to pass and receive.

Organization:  4x4 boxes with one player in each box.  

Instructions:  players pass back and forth to practice receiving the ball with the sole.  

Variations:  (1) checking to the ball at the front of the grid, (2) receiving and doing sole delay then passing, (3) receiving and going out one side of the grid before passing "directional touches."  (4) rolling the ball before passing, (5) different types of passes like scoops.   

Coaching Points:  (1) receive the ball with the sole heel down toe up, (2) prepare the ball for passing with the sole, (3) firm inside of the foot pass.

Futsal Session Plan Drill (Colour): TG - 2v1

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Futsal Session Plan Drill (Colour): TG - 2v1
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TG - 2v1 (15 mins)

Objective - Improve 1st and 2nd attacker.

Organization - 4 lines of players in two teams, diagonal from each other.

Instructions - player passes to teammate and goes 2v1.  Second defender can join after running around the cone to make it 2v2.

Coaching Points - (1) go full speed before it becomes 2v2, (2) commit the defender, (3) treat the goalie like a defender.  Commit them also, (4) finish.  

Futsal Session Plan Drill (Colour): TG - 2v2 Flying Changes

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Futsal Session Plan Drill (Colour): TG - 2v2 Flying Changes
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TG - 2v2 Flying Changes (15 mins)

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