SRFC Youth Programming
Name: | SRFC Youth Programming |
City: | Sacramento, Ca |
Country: | United States of America |
Membership: | Adult Member |
Sport: | Football/Soccer |
Learning Outcomes:
-Understand the role of first defender (pressure)
-Defensive techniques
Secondary Objective: More work on 1v1 dribbling skills
See the guidance at the top of this page to understand why you are not seeing interactive Football/Soccer images.
-Setup small gates in a 20x30 area with small goals in each corner
-1-3 players without a ball (defenders). Hold pinnie in hand. Everyone else has a ball.
-Players with a ball attempt to dribble around the area, maintaining control of ball and preventing defenders from stealing it
-Defenders attempt to steal ball and score on any of the 4 goals (If the attacker gets their ball stolen, they can try to get it back right away).
-If defender steals the ball and scores, they give their pinnie to the player who they stole the ball from who then becomes the new defender and defender becomes attacker.
-If the defender steals the ball but does not score, then they continue to play as the defender and attempt to steal someone else's ball.
Coaching Points:
- Defending players - commit to the tackle
-When they win the ball, how quickly can they find space and score on goal
See the guidance at the top of this page to understand why you are not seeing interactive Football/Soccer images.
-Field dimensions: 15x10 yds
-Divide group into two teams - each on one endline
-One Defender passes ball to one attackers to start play
-Players scrimmage and score by dribbling over the endline with control (ball within a stride away)
-If defender wins ball, they can dribble across opposite endline for a point
-If scores or goes out of bounds, new players rotate in
-Switch sides after a few rounds each
Coaching Points:
-Defender quickly close down space after passing
-As defender approaches player, shorten and quicken steps (DON'T STAB at the ball)
-Try to force the attacker to one sideline (take away space)
- Be patient and wait to tackle until the attacker takes a bad/bigger touch
See the guidance at the top of this page to understand why you are not seeing interactive Football/Soccer images.
-Field dimensions: 35x20
-Divide group into two teams - each on one endline (make 2 lines on each post)
-Bunch of balls with each team
-Play starts with attackers first touch
-Players scrimmage 2v2 and score by shooting ball into goal
-If the ball goes over the end line or a goal, the defending team (blue) steps off, and new blues come on with the ball. The red team now becomes defending team
Coaching Points:
-This is a quick, fast paced game so players must pay attention when their turn to come on the field
- When transitioning from offense to defense (after ball goes over endline), get back into defensive position quickly and pressure the ball
-Attackers, dribble at speed and try to get to goal as fast as possible, dribbling and passing with teammate
See the guidance at the top of this page to understand why you are not seeing interactive Football/Soccer images.
Free Play Scrimmage
© Copyright 2022 Sport Session Planner Ltd.
Developed with Partnership Developers, a division of Kyosei Systems.
Animation Controls (PCs, Macs, Laptops):
Play animation
Play step-by-step
Repeat (toggle)
Full Screen
Back/Forward: Drag timeline button
Partner Passing + Close Down
- Players work in pairs
-1 ball per pair
-Players work in pairs passing the ball to each other
-After 5 passes, the receiving player stops the ball with the sole of their foot. The other player must close that side down (when stopped with right foot, the pressing angle is from the right, forcing player to their left.
-Defender then returns to starting position and resumes passing. Rotate who closes down each time
Coaching Points:
-Speed of approach to close down (slow down and shorten steps as you get closer to ball)
- Angle of approach. Keep body staggered at an angle
-Introduce techniques of tackling. Once the ball is stopped, the defender now tackles the stationary ball.