Football/Soccer Session (Moderate): Peace within

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David Oduor Mulo

Profile Summary

David Oduor Mulo
Name: David Oduor Mulo
City: Nairobi
Country: Kenya
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Football/Soccer
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The game can be used to teach close control, head-up and using tricks to beat opponent

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Screen 1

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Screen 1
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Screen 1 (45 mins)

Theme  : Peace from within

Length of game: 30 - 45minutes

Organization/Rules:Divide the participants into equal number and let them dribble the ball from one end to the other, when they reach to the other end of the line, the other team that was waiting on the line can dribble and bring the ball balls, let them dribble for about 45 seconds.

Sample Discussion Questions:  How was the drill? Is there conflict in yourcommunities?. What causes conflict?


Select two or three volunteers to be “cops” All “robbers” line up withtheir “diamonds” (“football” ) on one end of the field at the base line. Therobbers attempt to dribble their “diamond” from one end to the other withouthaving their diamond kicked out by a cop. Changethe roles and get other participants to be cops. Reduce the number of Diamonds“balls” and let the participants to be creative on how they are going to reachthe other end. If there diamond gets kicked off, they go to jail (a designatedarea outside the grid) If a robber successfully dribbles across the grid 3times, then a jailbreak occurs and all those in jail get to re-enter the game.

Sample Discussion Questions:

 How do we prevent violence from occurring?. What does the ballrepresent?

Comparethe cop to a mediator, and share how we can best play the role of a mediatorduring a conflict

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