Football/Soccer Session (Moderate): Rondo - Overload to Isolate

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Travis Yoakum
Name: Travis Yoakum
City: Denver
Country: United States of America
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Football/Soccer
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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Screen 1

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Screen 1
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Screen 1

30x10 (10x10 zones)


- Play starts with server playing into 3v1 in endzone (play restarts with server playing to opposite endzone)


- 3v1 - 3 attackers look to connect 3 consecutive passes


*When attackers accomplish 3 consecutive passes they look to play through the middle grid to the opposite endzone, meanwhile the defender closest to grid waiting may enter making it a 3v2 to prevent this from happening


**The farthest defender can only block passes moving laterally on the line.


***The middle attackers join the opposite endzone to start a new 3v1 and two attackers from former 3v1 join the middle area


****The farthest defender now becomes the defender in the new 3v1, the middle defender waits to enter making it 3v2, and the remaining defender can only block passes moving laterally on the line


- Defenders attempt to win the ball and dribble outside of the grid (Attackers can Counter-Press to prevent this).


- The attacker making the mistake swaps with defender and play continues.


- Play 2 mins (defenders at time owe something).

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