Football/Soccer Session (Difficult): FQA-Distribution -YTH

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Dale Hill
Name: Dale Hill
City: Brisbane
Country: Australia
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Football/Soccer
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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): WU-Distribution

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): WU-Distribution
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Each goalkeeper starts with a ball and dribbles around the square using both feet.

On coaches call. GK stops ball still and goes to find another players ball.


Using Right Foot Only

Using Left Foot Only 

One ball in the square- Players numbered off 1-4. player 1 starts with and passes to player 2 to player 3 etc etc. Introduce second ball if more numbers/ability of players

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): WU- First Touch Game

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): WU- First Touch Game
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WU- First Touch Game


Gk vs Gk first to 5 points.

GK pass the ball back and forward at any speed as long as the ball is on the floor-Start with push pass.

GK must take touch inside shaded area and play back to opposite goalkeeper with the next touch. Max 2 touch per grid

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Isolated-Distribution Short

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Isolated-Distribution Short
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Isolated-Distribution Short


GK pass and receive and find the spare player. Play off 2 touch


1 touch

Increase distance-Red Line, White Line, Blue Line(Drill)

Key Technical Factors

First touch in direction of pass

Communication- Vocal and visual cue of where GK wants ball played and at what speed

Scan- Before the ball is played and after the ball is played

Support position in relation to the ball

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Isolated- Wedge Pass

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Isolated- Wedge Pass
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Isolated- Wedge Pass


Piggy in the middle

GK attempt to wedge the ball over the player in the middle and hit the opposite goalkeeper below the waist. 


+GK rolls to player in the middle. Middle player passes back to GK who looks to play a wedge pass off 2 touch 

Regression-Adjust zone distance based on age and ability

Regression-take player out of middle and focus on getting height on the ball to travel over central zone

Key Technical Points

First touch forward in direct you want to play

2-3 steps minimum into the ball.

Focus on getting the ball to spin back on itself 

Placement of non kicking foot- If hooking (too close to ball). If slicing (too far)

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Complex 1- Distribution

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Complex 1- Distribution
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Complex 1- Distribution

GK in the goal starts in possession of the ball. GK 2 CB and #6 (Goalkeeper in red shaded neutral zone) maintain possession. CB must pass back through the GK (Except when neutral goalkeeper drops off)

At any time the goalkeeper in the neutral zone can drop back into their goal. GK and CB must shift up and the game continues in the opposition half


1. At any time a CB can drop out into the a wide area in the central zone- GK looking to find goalkeeper with drill pass. Neutral goalkeeper must drop off to support when this happens and game shifts up and continues- Above rules regarding neutral goalkeeper movement still applies

2. At any time a CB can drop out into the highest zone- GK looking to find goalkeeper with wedge or drive(age specific)-Neutral goalkeeper must drop off to support when this happens and game shifts up and continues- Above rules regarding neutral goalkeeper movement still applies

Regression- For longer distribution. Neutral goalkeeper drops back. Wide players start wide and ball goes in a pattern -clockwise> anticlockwise

Key Technical Factors

First touch out of feet in direction of pass

Communication- Vocal and visual cue of where GK wants ball played and at what speed

Scan- Before the ball is played and after the ball is played

Support position in relation to the ball

Know where the ball is going prior to receiving 

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Back/Forward: Drag timeline button