Football/Soccer Session (Academy Sessions): Panthers Week 1

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Reseller-Club: Premier Users' Club

Stiven Valencia

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Stiven Valencia
Name: Stiven Valencia
City: Goldens Bridge
Country: United States of America
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Football/Soccer
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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): SAQ Dynamic Stretching

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): SAQ Dynamic Stretching
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SAQ Dynamic Stretching


Players divided into two teams


-Dymaic stretching, and movement to prevent injuries and prepare for training

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): 4v2

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): 4v2
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12 players

2 x 10x10 yard boxes

2 teams of 2 players combine as a 4 and play against a team of 2 (4v2) per box (in diagram above, Red shirts are defending while White and Blue shirts combine to be the attackers)


2 minute rotations of who defenders and who attacks, all teams must defend at some point

Attackers score by playing 10 consecutive passes without the ball being interecpted by the defenders or leaving the 10x10 yard box.

Attackers can score additional points every time they play a successful 'split/penetrating' pass through the 2 defenders.

If the ball leaves the box then the attackers restart with any ball that has been placed around the area with a 'free' pass (the defenders cant steal the ball on the first pass).

The defenders can score a point by stealing the ball then playing a successful pass to their partner who stops the ball under their foot. If this happens, the ball is then given back to the attacking team.

Score is kept and coach relays how much time is left as it runs down from 2 mins

Coaching Points:

How do we keep possession - angles/distances/timing of support

Weight and accuracy of passes

Play to and expect to receive on back foot


Creativity / disguising of passes/intentions

When do I penetrate? Do I need to? Risk vs Reward


Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): 4v4 +4

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): 4v4 +4
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4v4 +4


12 players - 3 teams of 4 players per team

25x25 yard box

4 pugg goals in corners of bigger box

3x3 yard box in middle of bigger box with excess balls inside with coach


2 teams play 4v4 inside of bigger box, 3rd team position 1 player outside of each side of the bigger box.

Game/rotations last for 3 minutes.

Attacking team start with a 2-0 lead.

Attacking team can score by playing a penetrating pass into the smaller box/coach.

Attacking team can use the outside players to keep possession of the ball, outside players have 1-2 touch and cannot score for the attacking team.

Defending team score by gaining possession and shooting into any of the pugg goals.

All restarts are from the coach and the ball goes to an outside player to play to an attacking player.

Score is constantly relayed by coach along with the time remaining.

Coaching Points:

Possession vs. Penetration

Do we have to score more goals or play for time?

Do we play concervatively or gamble on increasing our lead?

How does the mentality and emphasis of the team change as the scoreline does?

Transition upon losing/winning the ball - usually a good time from which to immeditely score from.

Communication between players - organization/team dynamics of what the objective is at that moment for the team.

Other ways to keep possession? Keeping ball as individual (dribbling into space or shielding).


Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Scrimmage

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Scrimmage
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Half field length, penalty box width field set up with full sized goals


Regulation game/rules apply.


Attacking team start with 2-0 lead

Teams told they can set up in any formation they like

Regulation rules apply and only 1 ball supplied like a regular game

Game lasts for 5 minutes

Coach relays how much time is left as clock runs down

Coaching Points:

Possession vs. Penetration

Do we have to score more goals or play for time?

Do we play concervatively or gamble on increasing our lead?

How does the mentality and emphasis of the team change as the scoreline does?

Transition upon losing/winning the ball - usually a good time from which to immeditely score from.

Communication between players - organization/team dynamics of what the objective is at that moment for the team. You will see which players are actvely taking a lead when setting up positions before the KO (taking ownership).

Other ways to keep possession? Keeping ball as individual (dribbling into space or shielding).

When the ball goes out of play how do both teams react?


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