Hockey Session (Under 12s): BHHC U12 Girls 15-4-21 (Receiving)

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Pro-Club: Hampstead & Westminster Hockey Club

Alexandra Smart

Profile Summary

Alexandra Smart
Name: Alexandra Smart
City: London
Country: United Kingdom
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Hockey
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After warm up, complete activities not finished last week - focus on moving with the ball.

Recap key coaching points for ball carry - stick, hand, ball position.

Move on to receiving the ball, using push pass to move the ball.

Hockey Session Plan Drill (Colour): Ball Carry

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Hockey Session Plan Drill (Colour): Ball Carry
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Ball Carry


  • In pairs, players are about 20 metres apart.
  • The player with the ball carries towards their partner who will hold up a number using their fingers.
  • The ball carrier needs to call out each number held up to ensure they are looking up and carrying the ball at the 1 o'clock position.
  • Start with walking, progress to running.
  • Keep swapping the ball carrier.
  • Progression - player holding numbers up moves around. The ball carrier must call out the numbers and change direction to keep carrying towards their partner.

Hockey Session Plan Drill (Colour): Change Direction

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Hockey Session Plan Drill (Colour): Change Direction
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Change Direction


  • In pairs, each player has a ball.
  • Line of cones / markers between them.
  • Players start at the same time, each carries the ball to the left hand cone, stick drag to the right, changing direction to carry to their partner's starting position.

Hockey Session Plan Drill (Colour): Passing Square

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Hockey Session Plan Drill (Colour): Passing Square
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Passing Square


  • 4 players on the outside. One player in the middle.
  • 3 of the 4 players on the outside have a ball.
  • Player in the middle can receive from anyone but passes to the player without a ball.
  • The player in the middle should work hard for a set number or passes or time.
  • Keep rotating the player in the middle.

Hockey Session Plan Drill (Colour): Receiving

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Hockey Session Plan Drill (Colour): Receiving
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  • Static push pass to start, focus on coaching points.
  • 5m apart, 10m apart, 20m apart. How does the pass change with distance? How do you adapt your feet, body, stick position?
  • To pass - feet and body position - hands apart, side on to partner.
  • To receive - facing partner - flat stick. Control and then return the pass.
Progress to bouncy pass for higher ability players.What do you need to change to receive a bouncing/bobbly ball? Upright stick.

Hockey Session Plan Drill (Colour): Step in front & first touch

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Hockey Session Plan Drill (Colour): Step in front & first touch
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Step in front & first touch


  • In pairs with one ball.
  • The cone acts as a defender.
  • The receiver should indicate to their partner when and where they want the ball.
  • Run to receive the ball on the move, carry a few paces and pass back to the feeder.
  • 10 passes and switch over.
  • Receive the ball on the move, in front of the defender (cone).
  • First touch should carry the ball forward / left / right, away from the defender.
  • Low body position with a flat stick to have better control of the ball when receiving.
  • Look! Both the feeder and receiver need to look before they pass and receive.

Hockey Session Plan Drill (Colour): Progression (step in front)

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Hockey Session Plan Drill (Colour): Progression (step in front)
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Progression (step in front)


  • Join up with another pair to make a group of 4.
  • One player replaces the cone as a defender.
  • Attacking team (blue/white) are aiming to score a goal.
  • Once the feeder has passed the ball, they are in play to create a 2 v 1.
  • The defender is aiming to win possession and pass to the fourth player (orange).
  • Keep rotating positions.

Hockey Session Plan Drill (Colour): Set Play - 16 Hit Out

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Hockey Session Plan Drill (Colour): Set Play - 16 Hit Out
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Set Play - 16 Hit Out


  • Set up player positions for a 16 with an overload for the team taking the hit out. Eg. 5 v 3 or 6 v 3 (add a high player for the overload team).
  • The aim for the team taking the hit out is to score in the mini goal.
  • The aim for the pressing team is to win possession and score in the main goal.
  • Depending on how much space you have, the mini goal can be at the 23, the halfway line, or between the two.
  • The team taking the hit out should be successful.


  • Positions - where does the ball taker need his/her teammates? Wide, more than one option available, movement in the middle to break up the press.
  • Type of pass - accurate, ball pace, flat.
  • Feet and stick work - getting feet around and using a drag to pass to the right.
  • Press - centre forward in front of the ball. Where do you want the team with the ball to pass? Or more importantly, where don't you want them to pass?
Change environment - two side goals for the team taking the free hit.

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