Football/Soccer Session (Moderate): U12 DA They 2-3-4 Long ball

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Andrew Ziemer

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Andrew Ziemer
Name: Andrew Ziemer
City: Pleasanton
Country: United States of America
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Football/Soccer
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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): THEY pressure/cover/balance (2/3/5)

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): THEY pressure/cover/balance (2/3/5)
Save Image: Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): THEY pressure/cover/balance (2/3/5) Create Video:

THEY pressure/cover/balance (2/3/5) (15 mins)


- Small square 25 wide by 10 long

- Coach or server plays ball into attacker, defenders pressure and find best defensive shape

- Attacker plays ball back to coach and defenders resets

- Repeat 2-4 times and rotate groups

Coaching Points:

- First defender pressure (force one way)

- Cover and balance by teammates

- Move at full speed

- Communicate

- Body shape (open and side on)

Progressions / Variations:

- Attackers receive facing back, defenders get tighter, coach serving from spot "B"

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): THEY 3-4 long ball 4v3+1

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): THEY 3-4 long ball 4v3+1
Save Image: Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): THEY 3-4 long ball 4v3+1 Create Video:

THEY 3-4 long ball 4v3+1 (25 mins)


- 25 wide by 40 long

- Defenders start 15 yards up, attackers start 20-25 yards up facing coach

- Coach plays ball in the air or on the ground to start game

- Attackers scoring on the goal, defenders must win the ball and play to the coach

- Attackers can play back to coach if needed

Coaching Points:

- First defender pressure (force one way)

- Cover and balance by teammates

- Move at full speed

- Communicate

- Body shape (open and side on)

- If ball is in the air, keeper and other defenders must cover the ball in behind as one player challenges the ball in the air

- If ball goes back, step up

Progressions / Variations:

- Add in a 10 for attackers, 6 for defenders to teach the 6 his role in defending the long ball

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): THEY 3-4 Long ball 6v5 +2

See the guidance at the top of this page to understand why you are not seeing interactive Football/Soccer images.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): THEY 3-4 Long ball 6v5 +2
Save Image: Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): THEY 3-4 Long ball 6v5 +2 Create Video:

THEY 3-4 Long ball 6v5 +2 (25 mins)


- 20 wide by 50 long

- Coach starts by serving in a long ball

- Attackers score on goal

- Defenders score by 9 receiving ball either by checking back out of the blue zone, or by running into the depth behind the blue zone

- Neutral 9/3

Coaching Points:

- First defender pressure (force one way)

- Cover and balance by teammates

- Move at full speed

- Communicate

- Body shape (open and side on)

- If ball is in the air, keeper and other defenders must cover the ball in behind as one player challenges the ball in the air

- If ball goes back, step up

Progressions / Variations:

- Add in a goal for defending team to score on

- Adjust numbers based on players, maybe taking out 6/10 and changing the neutral 9 to a neutral 9/3 and a neutral 10/6

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Animation Controls (PCs, Macs, Laptops):

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Back/Forward: Drag timeline button