Football/Soccer Session (Advanced): Cambridge Utd 16-1-24

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Edu-Club: M.R.F.A.

Ben Andreos

Profile Summary

Ben Andreos
Name: Ben Andreos
City: Essex
Country: United Kingdom
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Football/Soccer
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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Screen 1

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Screen 1
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Screen 1

2v1 Attacking Domination 

Pass comes from the side to player in the middle 

The player who passes the ball then runs into the square

Goes to Attack with player who takes touch outside the square. 

Defenders win the ball and gets the ball to square for a point.


The two attackers will need to decide whether tocombine or dribble to beat the single defender. 


Encourage attackers to travel with the ball to createspace for themselves or their teammates. 


Attackers should look to use different combinations tohelp them beat the defender. Examples are overlaps,underlaps or one-twos. 


As soon as the attackers in front finish their turn,the next pair should look to attack quickly to takeadvantage of the defender being out of position. 


Encourage players to play into space or feet based onhow they are looking to work together to score

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Screen 2

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Screen 2
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Screen 2

2v1 Attacking Domination 

Play starts the same but the player centrally passes to ST and then joins in. 

Defenders win the ball and gets the ball to square for a point. 


The two attackers will need to decide whether tocombine or dribble to beat the single defender.


Encourage attackers to travel with the ball to createspace for themselves or their teammates.


Attackers should look to use different combinations tohelp them beat the defender. Examples are overlaps,underlaps or one-twos.


As soon as the attackers in front finish their turn,the next pair should look to attack quickly to takeadvantage of the defender being out of position.


Encourage players to play into space or feet based onhow they are looking to work together to score

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Screen 3

See the guidance at the top of this page to understand why you are not seeing interactive Football/Soccer images.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Screen 3
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Screen 3

Dominate Centrally (Nothing Through Us)


3v3v3 plus 2 GKs

2 end teams must try and keep the ball by switching play 

1 Defending player in this case blue can go into press. The defending team can decide to send in 1 more but risk the ball being switched. 

The defending team can also have 1 player in and swap throughout the press seen in above. 

If the defending team wins the ball back they look to score in the goal where they won the ball back from I.E they win from oranges they score in the goal the oranges are near. 


The opposite team from the team who has the ball can drop into wide areas (shaded) to bounce the ball back and they can be pressed from defending team. 

Further Progression

 They must switch the ball through the middle of the pitch using one of the opposite teams players. 

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