Football/Soccer Session (Academy Sessions): Training Session: Progress in the game + Finishing

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Pro-Club: Fundación Real Madrid

Juan Carlos Dubai

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Juan Carlos  Dubai
Name: Juan Carlos Dubai
City: Dubai
Country: Emiratos Árabes Unidos
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Football/Soccer
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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): SET UP SESSION:

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): SET UP SESSION:
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How to set up the Session: Progress in the game + Finishing

  • 1. Technical Figure
  • 2. Rondos
  • 3. Keep possesionf
  • 4. SSG + Finishing
  • 5. Modified Game

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): FIGURE OF PASSES

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): FIGURE OF PASSES
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Game concepts:

  • Play in the opposite field
  • Progress on the game
  • 3rd man use


  • Control and pass
  • Oriented control
  • Throw-in technique


  • Pass & Move
  • Colective game
  • Scanning before receive the ball


  • A sequence of 6 passes as you can see on the photo. The games kick off with a real action of throw-in (important teach our players to do correctly from ealy ages). 2 step a control without bounce the ball on the grass (chest / thigh). 
  • Special focuse on the pass nunmber 5 (It should be at first touch) to keep continuity of the game
  • Last pass a extremenly accuracy shoot between two yellow pines before to re-star the Figure. 


  • We will place all players in the red cones and the last one bej¡hind the two yellow pines. 
  • Figure: "Y"
  • 5-6 players per group (To avoid a lot players waiting on the lines)


  • 3x3minutes
  • Each set change the direction to focus on different profiles
  • To implement a varient


  • A) We can practise also the header on the second pass after the throw-in. 
  • B) Competition with the other group. 1sr Team complete 3 laps won.
  • C) Remove two yellow pines and put a mini goal on last pass (player number 5). To implement finishing concep on the game. (competitiom how many goals in 3 minutes)  

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): RONDOS +  DEFENSIVE MOVE

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): RONDOS +  DEFENSIVE MOVE
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Game concepts:

  • Keep possesion
  • Defend in inferiority


  • Pass and control
  • Defensive body shape
  • Recover, tackle.


  • Support your teamates
  • Create passes lines
  • Make support runs
  • Inmediatly press 
  • Change your role quick (transition)


  • 2 Rondos 4x1 and the last rondo 4x0  
  • All space kick off at the same time. Small side game main objective keep possesion (rondo without defender just passes). When some defender recover dthe ball make the fast transition the player that lose it have to run to find the free Rondo to press quicklie. Te player that recovered the ball join as anew member on the Rondo.


  • Small Square 12x12m. Four players will be place on the lines between tthe cones (Focus: not in the the cones) and defender inside the square.
  • There are 3 squares setting up a big triangle to try make longer the race when players lose the ball


  • 2x5minutes


  • A) Include 2 defenders. When one player lose the ball his teamate place on te right position he will have to press together.
  • B) Touches Rules. Limit number of toches of players (for example just two: Control & pass)
  • C) With 2 defenders: If the ofensive players complete a pass between two defenders means a goal. So two defenders wil have to move to the other Rondo. 

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): KEEP POSSESSION

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): KEEP POSSESSION
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Game concepts:

  • Alternate inside-outside plays
  • Keep the possesion
  • Eliminate opponent pressing


  • Control (good profiles)
  • Pass & Move
  • Acurracy Finishing


  • Make support runs.
  • Create and use propperly the spaces.
  • Progress in the game.
  • Be wide and deep the field.


  • A positional possesion game where 2 inside Teams (Purple & White) have to achieve 5 passes before scoring goal in the opponent goals. They have the passes line options GKs & Joker Orange Team. 


  • 4 x 4 + 6.  There are 3Teams of 4 players + 2 Goalkeepers.
  • 2 GKs plays between mini-goals. They have to specific roles:  A) Starting the game: Build up B) they are the player that let earn depth on the field with vertical passes and pass back.
  • Joker Team (orange) will play out of the square game as supporters to create supperioriy 4J.
  • Purple Team Vs White Team inside the space (4 Vs 4) 


  • 3x6minutes 
  • 1 minute rest ( to change roles)
  • Total 20minutes


  • If we focus on Technical Individual drills
    • We can limit the number of touches each players (control nd pass) - Focus: Profiles & make runs

  • It depends de specifi Tactical concept you want to work hard.
  • A) Keeping posession
    • Not specific  goals for the teams (both teams can score goal in each mini goal)
      • Not allowed schore goal before complete 5/6 passes.
  • B) Progression and break defensive lines
    • Mandatory to score goal play with the goalie between the mini-goals to score goals (DEPTH)
    • Directional Game: Each Team has his own mini-goals.
  • C) Wide - Move defensive lines: Change the ball
    • Mandatory play with both wingers before scoring goals

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): FINISHING GAME: TRANSITIONS

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): FINISHING GAME: TRANSITIONS
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Game concepts:

  • Finishing
  • Attack in superiority 
  • Transitions - Change their role ofensive-defensive


  • Shooting a goal
  • Dribling to the space
  • Make deep - forward runs
  • Overlaps
  • one-two / Double pass action
  • Crossing
  • Defensive body positionh
  • Stand up and avoid shooting
  • Tackels , recovering the ball


  • Create and use propperly the ofensive supperiority. 
  • Take good decision to make easy expectations of goal.
  • Defensive transition: Inmediatly change your role. 
  • Win defensive duels
  • Guide ofensive players to play on the wingers


  • A continuity sequence of Speed finishing actions on superiority: 1) 1 Vs 0 2) 2 VS 1 & 3) 3 Vs 2


  • There are 3 Teams: Each team wil be place in a specific role 
  • White team: Finishing goal + Individual defensive
  • Purple Team: Atack 2 x 1 (one-two actions, atract attention of the player to leave free teamate). Moreover Organise defense line (2 players) 
  • Orange Team: Overlaps + finshing with crossing


  • 3x6 minutes
  • Each set diferent teams change roles.


  • We can let first player white that starts the game join in the action to do a 2 Whites  Vs 2 Purple in the Defensive transition. 

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): MODIFIED GAME - PLAYING BONTH WINGS - OPEN SPACES

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): MODIFIED GAME - PLAYING BONTH WINGS - OPEN SPACES
This session includes animated drill(s) Save Image: Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): MODIFIED GAME - PLAYING BONTH WINGS - OPEN SPACES Create Video:


Modified Match - 5 vs 5 + 4J + 2GK - 2 zones (25 mins)

Game concepts: Width and depth, progress vertically (skip line), close passing lines

Technical: Diagonal pass, layoff, oriented control.​

Tactical: Support, lateral support, body orientation, depth, players in different hights to create passing lines to progress​, occupy spaces to progress


5 vs 5 with 2 goalkeepers and 4 support players in half field. The space will be divided in two zones (offense-defense).


  • All players ( purple and white teams) can move both zones but they have to keep a balance occupation organisazed.
  • We want to work both teams "fly together" and keep same distance between his lines so to be goal valid all team have to be in the offesive zone.
  • 4 jokers players are supporters with both teams
  • To be valid the goal following with the same objective all sessison DEEP + WIDHT, the have to play with at least two wingers players. (Orange team)


2 sets of 12' (25' total) 

We change jokers  players every 5 minutes.

  • Adapt complexity (space, rules) according to level of the group (1st set: 7 vs 7 + 4 + 2GK / 2nd set: can change the disposition of players towards equality in offense and defense (exampe: 8 vs 8 + 2 + 2GK / 9 vs 9 + 2GK)
  • Desing three zones and set some rules of individual players: Build up zone  and Progress zone (2 touches, control and pass) and Finishing Zone free touches all players
  • Looking for it happends more header duels give double value header goals crossing from Joker players and we get they play  with wingers.
  • Eliminate mandatory to have to play with both wingers players if one team get back the posession on finishing zone

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