Football/Soccer Session (Academy Sessions): Levittown Week 2 Intramural Mini kicks Dribbling and RWB

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Jonathan Osorio

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Jonathan Osorio
Name: Jonathan Osorio
City: Bay Shore
Country: United States of America
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Football/Soccer
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What: Dribbling & Running with ball- to successfully beat defenders  order to create chances to score.

Who: Players with the ball , defender trying to steal the ball

Where: Middle and Attacking third

When: When a player recognizes space and can accelerate away from pressure

Why: In order to create scoring opportunities and take advantage of space in the opponents half.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Intro Warm-up

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Intro Warm-up
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Intro Warm-up (5 mins)

Organization: Intro warm-up Green light, Yellow light, and Red light -5mins

  • 20x30 grid
  • Every player with a soccer ball 


    Coach will be the traffic control officer by signaling to the player using a GREEN, YELLOW, and RED colored cones. A Green cone means:GREEN LIGHT: Players will dribble the ball making small touches,  Pay attention and coach may raise up a RED CONE means:RED LIGHT:players will stop right away ! when stopping for a red light the coach will introduce a skill practice. A YELLOW Cone means:YELLOW LIGHTS: Players will dribble the ball slow working on keeping the ball close. 

Coaching Points/Questions:

  • Listening and Visual skills
  • Heads up to see other players around and space
    • what Individual technical skills can we use?
    • Working to keep ball close to the body and taking small touches for better control


  • P- apply ball individual technical skills to proceed to main activity
  • P- Have a player become traffic control officer

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Main Activity

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Main Activity
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Main Activity (10 mins)

Organization: Main Activity / Knockout  10mins

  • 20x30 grid 


  • Begin by showing the players individual technical skills ( Feint, Double feint, Scissors, inside-outside...etc)
  • Have the players copy each skill, then transition to play knockout 
  • Every player with a soccer ball and the objective is to knock the other player's ball outside the marked area. 
  • The players have to dribble around the other players and protect their own ball
  • If the ball is knocked out of the marked area the coach will tell you what individual skill to perform so you can return back in the game

Coaching Points/Questions:

  • Heads up to see defenders/ space
    • what Individual technical skills can we use?
    • Working to keep ball close to the body and taking small touches for better control
    • How can we guard the ball?


  • R- Have players return after ball is knocked out right away
  • P- Add a player/ players  without a ball to engage the players to move faster

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Conditioned Game

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Conditioned Game
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Conditioned Game (15 mins)


  • 20x30 grid 
  • cones 
  • 4 pug goals
  • soccer balls


  • make 2 teams of 6  and give each player a number (1,2,3,) there should be a pair of 1s,2s,and 3s on each team coach calls out number/s game begins  1v1,
  • Dribbling teams will attempt to score on the 2 pug goals that are being defended by the other  team 1 defender on each side for example coach calls out 2s so both teams will have 2 defenders and 2 dribblers face on 1v1 
  •  try to keep it balance and place them according to skill levels
  • If the defender steals the ball they earn points if they successfully dribble the ball to the opposite out of bounds 
  • allow all teams to rotate from dribbling and defending after 1 min rounds

Coaching Points/Questions:

  • Heads up to see defenders/ space
    • what Individual technical skills can we use? Can we juke or unbalance the defender?
    • Working to keep ball close to the body and taking small touches for better control
    • How can we guard the ball?
    • how can we get close to the goal for a shot? (Inside foot/ Laces)


  • R- add another player for 2v1 situation 
  • P- add points if player demonstrated an individual technical skill that we worked on earlier on in the session.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Small-Sided Matches

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Small-Sided Matches
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Small-Sided Matches (20 mins)


  • 20x30 grid
  • pug goals 
  • soccer balls
  • 2v2,3v3,4v4


  • stay within soccer field coach will start a new ball if ball goes out
  • try to use dribbling skills 
  • score goals 

Coaching Points/Questions:

    • Heads up to see defenders/ space
      • what Individual technical skills can we use?
      • Working to keep ball close to the body and taking small touches for better control
      • How can we guard the ball?
      • how can we get close to the goal for a shot? (Inside foot/ Laces)


  • R- switch players depending on skill levels
  • P-Make a tournament and encourage players to use the individual technical skills learned

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