Football/Soccer Session (Academy Sessions): Turning and running with the ball Lesson 5 (Start Time: 2016-03-15 11:30:00)

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Lee Caldwell

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Lee Caldwell
Name: Lee Caldwell
City: Manchester
Country: United Kingdom
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Football/Soccer
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The BIG Picture

At the conclusion of this unit, the pupils will be able to perform ways of turning and running with the ball in opposed situations.


Today we are learning to use appropriate turns and make decisions quickly when opposed.


Elite players are able to assess the space available, and be creative to beat an opponent when under pressure i.e. Anthony Martial.


ALL - will be able to use different surfaces of the foot top receive and turn.

MOST - will be able to select appropriate turning technique to keep possession.

SOME - will be able to prepare before receiving the ball; 'scanning' and looking over their shoulder.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Turning - Receiving and turning (unopposed)

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Turning - Receiving and turning (unopposed)
Save Image: Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Turning - Receiving and turning (unopposed) Create Video:

Turning - Receiving and turning (unopposed) (10 mins)


Area: 30x30 yard area.

A series of gates (two cones a couple of yards apart) organised inside the area.

The players are split into three groups: the support players (on the outside of the area), receivers and passive defenders on the inside of the area.

How to play

The support players on the outside of the practice have a ball each and pass the ball into the receivers who try and receive and turn through a gate.

The challenge for the receiving players is to do this using one or not touches.

The receivers then pass the ball out to a different support player and then move to receive another pass.


Blockers guard the gates.

Receiving players play 2v1 against a blocker and can dribble or receive through a gate.


What should you do before you receive the ball? SCAN THE AREA.

When you receive the ball away from your defender shouls you close your body or open up? OPEN BODY POSITION.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Turning - Receiving and turning (opposed)

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Turning - Receiving and turning (opposed)
Save Image: Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Turning - Receiving and turning (opposed) Create Video:

Turning - Receiving and turning (opposed) (15 mins)


Area: 30x30 yard area.

A series of gates (two cones a couple of yards apart) organised inside the area.

The players are split into three groups: the support players (on the outside of the area), receivers and defenders on the inside of the area.

How to play

The support players on the outside of the practice have a ball each and pass the ball into the receivers who try and receive and turn through a gate.

The challenge for the receiving players is beat a defender through a gate to score points.

The receivers then pass the ball out to a different support player and then move to receive another pass.


Blockers guard the gates.

Receiving players play 2v1 against a blocker and can dribble or receive through a gate.

If players can't turn return the ball to the support player and change position.


When receiving the ball opposed, how should you protect the ball? Use arms and body to protect the ball.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Turning - Four goal game

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Turning - Four goal game
Save Image: Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Turning - Four goal game Create Video:

Turning - Four goal game (15 mins)


Area: 30x30 yards with 4 goals placed near the corners of the area.

4 players per team with no goalkeepers (dependent on space available).

Teams can score in either of the four goals.

How to play

The aim of the game is to run the ball through either of the goals with the ball under control.

Coaching points

Scanning to check the space.

Recognising early opportunities to score.

Disguising turns to outwit the opposition.

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