Football/Soccer Session (Difficult): College ID Event Keeper Session

Profile Summary

Kyle Read
Name: Kyle Read
City: Spring
Country: United States of America
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Football/Soccer
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Focus for this session is to give the keepers an opportunity to show off all aspects of their game. Looking to see how well they hold on to the ball, distribute the ball, battle for the ball, and command their penalty area. This event is for the players to show their abilities, coaches should keep instruction to keeping games flowing. There should not be coaching points being made for this session. Main focus is keeping the ball rolling and in play. 

Handball - Focus - Distribution, Positioning 

Aerial & Ground Duels - Focus - Body Positioning, Bravery, and Strength 

Commanding Penalty Area - Focus - Attacking the forwards, Reactions, Reading the game 

Equipment Needed 

- 2 11v11 Goals 

- 2 Training Poles 

- Cones 

- Soccer Balls 

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Handball Warm UP

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Handball Warm UP
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Handball Warm UP (15 mins)

Grid 40 X 30 

2 Goals 

Handball Warm UP (10 - 15 Mins) 

1. Players have a max of 3 steps with ball in their hands 

2. Players will move ball back and forth to create scoring opportunities using their hands (ie: windmill throw, roll, bounce pass) 

3. After a goal is scored keeper switches out 

Round 1 5-7 Mins - Can only scorew with hands (ie: windmill, roll, bounce) 

Round 2 5-7 Mins - Can only score with feet (ie: drop kick, roll to self, or roll/throw to teammate) 

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Aerial & Ground Duels

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Aerial & Ground Duels
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Aerial & Ground Duels (15 mins)

Grid 40 X 30 (Split Half in Half)

1 Goal 

Aerial and Ground Duels 

1. Coach will serve ball into box where keepers will battle for control 

2. Keeper that wins control will turn and shoot on goal 

3. Keeper that doesn't win the ball stays in the grid 

4. If keeper scores they switch with keeper in goal 

5. If keeper misses goal must shag ball 

6. Alternante sides to get work from both 

Round 1 - 5 Mins 

- Can only score with a throw 

- Can be windmill, bounce, or roll 

Round 2 - 5 Mins 

- Can only score with feet 

- Can score with drop kick or ball on ground 

Round 3 - 5 Mins 

- Can only score by dribbling past keeper 

- Can finish when insdie the 6 yard box 

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Commanding Penalty Area

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Commanding Penalty Area
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Commanding Penalty Area (15 mins)

Grid 40 X 30 

2 Goal 

Commanding the Penalty Area 

1. Red field players attempt to play ball through training poles into other half 

2. Players are restricted to their half 

3. If ball makes through training poles, field players try to score (no passing, but rebounds are fair game) 

4. If keeper in middle saves they can shoot on either goal 

5. Whoever scores the goal switches with the keeper 

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