Football/Soccer Session (Academy Sessions): Roit U13 Session 2 (Start Time: 2016-04-02 13:45:00)

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Greg Primavera

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Greg Primavera
Name: Greg Primavera
City: White Plains
Country: United States of America
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Football/Soccer
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Maradonna- Pressure coming from the side

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Warm Up

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Warm Up
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Warm Up (10 mins)

Organization: 2 Lines split evenly


Dynamic Warm up

Players will perform a dynamic stretch such as high knees, heel touch, side shuffle, grape vine to the blue cone and sprint to the red. At the end of the red cone players will perform a turn around and jog back in line.

Coaching Points:

Slow when performing dynamic stretches

Many repetitions

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): SAQ

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): SAQ
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SAQ (15 mins)


- As shown (6-8 players per area)


- Players on opposite blue cones make eye contact and the game begins on the attacker's (white) first step.

- Attacker attempts to go through either red gate without being tagged for the given amount of points (# of points as shown; 2 for diagonal goal, 1 for adjacent).

- Defender scores by tagging the attacker before he runs through the gate for a point.

- When game is over, switch roles.

- After 5 minutes switch the side so the defender is coming slightly from the right.

Coaching Points:

- Acceleration to take space.

- Awareness of space and defender.

- Can I bend my run and draw the defender into the space away from the 2 points?

- If the defender blocks the 2 pts, should I be happy to take 1 point?

- Quickness to change direction and exploit space behind.


Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Technical (Unopposed)

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Technical (Unopposed)
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Technical (Unopposed) (15 mins)


- As shown (3 or 4 players per area)


- Attacker dribbles at orange cone and does a move to create a half yard for himself then looks to finish on goal #2 (for 2 points).

- As soon as the attacker strikes the ball, the next player in line goes.

- After given amount of time, have the attacker create the same half yard but then play a reverse pass (shot) into goal #1 (for 1 point)

- After given amount of time, switch, come from left hand sand of area.

Coaching Points:

1. Size of touches as I approach the cone.

2. Techique (Inside-Outside,etc.) to create half yard (size / distance of touch, fake, etc,)

3. Observe target as you approach defender and as you get the ball out of your feet coming out of technique.

4. Quality and timing to finish (Should I drive into space behind defender or should I finish?).

5. Deception (Eyes, hips, shape of foot, etc.)


- Play next slide with passive defender rather than going straight to full pressure on next activity.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Technical (Opposed)

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Technical (Opposed)
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Technical (Opposed) (20 mins)


- As shown (6 to 8 players per area).

- Defenders have ball each.


- Defender serves attacker with pass.

- Game is live on attacker's first touch.

- Attacker gets two points for socring in goal #2 (diagonal from him), 1 pt for scoring in goal #1.

- If defender wins ball, he attempts to driblle over the opposite endline for a point.

Coaching Points:

- Awareness of space / defender.

- Quality of first touch

- Can I curve my dribble and pull defender away from the goal worth 2 points?

- Technique and timing to create half yard.

- Head up to observe target before and after taking on player.

- Awareness of defender and when to take 1 pt.

- Disguise and quality of finish.


Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): 3v3

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): 3v3
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3v3 (30 mins)


3v3 Small-sided tournament games: 4 teams of 3 players eachteam. 2 fields of 20x30 yards with 2 Pugg Goals on opposite endlines.


4 Teams of 3, play 3v3 tournament style format where each team will play one another. 3 points for a win, 1 point for a tie and 0 for a loss. Each game should be approximately 6-8 minutes in duration (obviously play a 3 game tournament).

Coaching Points:

· Review of session's learning outcomes being translatedinto the game

· 3 lines of attack

· Creating triangle (gives angles of support)

· Making triangle as big as possible (Creating space)

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Animation Controls (PCs, Macs, Laptops):

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Back/Forward: Drag timeline button