Football/Soccer Session (Academy Sessions): Irvington AYSO-Mini Kick-Week 6-Passing

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Stiven Valencia

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Stiven Valencia
Name: Stiven Valencia
City: Goldens Bridge
Country: United States of America
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Football/Soccer
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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Bumper cars

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Bumper cars
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Bumper cars (120 mins)


20x30 area

1 ball per player


Players drive their bumper cars trying not to bump into another bumper car or not the barriers (dribble outside area).

Its a race to x amount of pedal pushes (pinky toe touches), but every time you 'bump' you lose x amount of pedal pushes.

Coaching Points:

Push pedal gently so dont go too fast and out of control (small pinky toe touches) if lots of bumper cars around, if find somewhere where no bumper cars are, can you speed up to get their (bigger touches)

Watch out for other bumper cars (look up, head up)

Can you steer out of their way if about to crash (changes of direction)


Add defenders (people without bumper cars) who hold pinnies, if they bump you out your car (touch your ball) they get to drive it and you have to bump someone else out their car

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Warm Up 2

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Warm Up 2
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Warm Up 2 (15 mins)


1.20 x 20 yard area set up as shown

2.8 players set up as shown

3.10 balls


1.Pirates (players) are all battling to be the “Captain of the Ship”

2.To do this they have to get from one end of the pirate ship to the other without getting hit by a cannon ball (soccer ball)

3.The cannon balls are being fired by the coach

4.Coach yells “CANNON BALLERS, ARE YOU READY?” to which the players respond “FIRE IN THE HOLE!” (This only happens when the first player is out)

5.Coach yells “PIRATES ARE YOU REDAY?’ pirates shout ‘RRRRRRRRRR’. Coach then yells “CANNON BALL RUN” and all the pirates run to the other end of the ship

6.Any pirate that gets hit with a cannon ball then becomes a cannon ball-er and helps fire cannon balls

7.The last pirate left is the Captain

Coaching Points:

1.Keep your eye on the cannon balls and use different movements to not get hit

2.Move quickly across the pirate ship

3.Keep your eye on the cannon ball when you hit it

4.Try to time the firing of the cannon ball so that the pirates run into it


1.P – Make the pirate ship wider

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Main Theme I

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Main Theme I
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Main Theme I (15 mins)


1.20 x 20 yard area with a10 x 10 yard area in the center, set up as shown

2.Lots of soccer balls

3.Disc cones

Story/Description: "Backyardigans"

1.Pablo the penguin’s backyard is a mess

2.Before all players can go to Austin’s house for a snack they must first clean up all the mess

3.To do this players must kick the balls into the manhole in the middle of the area

4.The only problem is there is a man in the manhole who keeps kicking the balls back into the Pablo yard!

5.When all the balls are in the manhole the players get to have their snack!

Coaching Points:

1.Look around to make sure all the balls have gone

2.Big kicks to make sure the ball goes all the way down the manhole


1.Player can start by throwing the ball into the manhole

2.Then kicking

3.Add a second man in the manhole so players have to work quicker

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Main Theme II

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Main Theme II
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Main Theme II

Organization: 8 players (4 blues 4 whites). 13 balls. 5 cones.

Instructions: Blue team aims at the balls in the middle. All fire at the same time. They get a point for every ball they knock off its cone. Then other team goes. First team to 3 points win, then rematch.

Coaching Points: Passing technique - Instep, lock ankle, standing foot aiming at target, follow through, eyes on the ball.

Progressions: Pass from further back, add more balls, weaker foot.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Conditioned Game

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Conditioned Game
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Conditioned Game


- 20 x 30 area set up as shown

- 6 players (3 attackers & 3 defenders)

- 10 Target Balls set up as shown

- 1 Ball (additional on outside)


- Players play 3v3 mini game

- Free play

- Directional

- Attackers aim to dribble & hit ball off cone on outside by passing

Coaching Points:

- Soft touches when dribbling

- Head up when dribbling



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Back/Forward: Drag timeline button