Football/Soccer Session (Academy Sessions): Turning Game

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Pro-Club: OSU Force Academy

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Free License
Name: Free License
City: Nepean
Country: Canada
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Football/Soccer
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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): 1v1 to a ball

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): 1v1 to a ball
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1v1 to a ball (15 mins)


Players placed inside a 40 x 40 area. Players are placed into pairs as shown above. The blue players stands with their legs apart with a ball placed next to them as the target ball. The red player stands behind the blue player with a game ball.


Red player plays a pass through the blue player’s legs. We now have a 1v1 game. The player in possession has to get the game ball to hit the target ball to score a point. If the defender wins possession the game continues. Start a new game each time a goal is scored.

Emphasis/Coaching points:

Close control of ball

Check shoulder prior to performing turn

Slow down prior to performing turn

Non-kicking foot planted beside the ball

Bend knees

Accelerate out of turn

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Animation Controls (PCs, Macs, Laptops):

Play animation
Play step-by-step
Repeat (toggle)
Full Screen

Back/Forward: Drag timeline button