Football/Soccer Session (Moderate): Nantucket Soccer Club - Possession with attacking wide play

Profile Summary

Philip Taylor
Name: Philip Taylor
City: Nantucket
Country: United States of America
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Football/Soccer
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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Rondo

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Rondo
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Rondo (10 mins)

Set Up

Make a 10x10 area. Split the players into groups of 5 or 6. 4 players go on the outside of the area and the remaining 1 or 2 players go in the middle. There should be 1 ball per square.


The players pass the ball around and the middle players try to intercept it. If they manage to intercept the ball then the player that passed it is now in the middle.

Coaching Points

Pass the ball quickly.

Move the ball away from the defender(s).

Control the ball in the direction that you want to play.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Passing and Moving

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Passing and Moving
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Passing and Moving (15 mins)

Set Up

Make a 25x25 area with an extra 2 yard area on eah side. Split the players into 2 teams. Each team has a ball.


2 players from each team will start on the outside on opposite sides of the area. The remaining players will be in the middle. Each team has a ball and passes and moves across the area, gtting the ball to the outside players. The player that passes to the outside player now takes that spot as the outside player moves into the area and start their team going back in the opposite direction. All of the inside players need to touch the ball to start with.

Progression 1- The first touch of the outside player is to come straight back into the area.

Progression 2- Have the outside players receive the ball on their back foot so that they can take the ball in the direction that they want to go in.

Coaching Points

Open up your body when receiving the ball.

Move down the field as a unit with the option of passing the ball backwards.

Play the easiest pass.

Pass the ball with the inside of your foot.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Possession Game

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Possession Game
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Possession Game (20 mins)

Set Up

Make a 30x30 area with space for wide players on the outside making the inside area 30x25. Add 2 boxes one at either end. split the players into 2 teams plus 2 neutrals that will play as wingers.


1 player from each team will go in both of the end boxes, the 2 neutrals will go into the outside channls and will play as wingers for both teams. The remaining players from both teams will spread out within the inside area. The coach will start the game by passing the ball in. The team that gets the ball will try and keep it and get it to either of their teammates in the end boxes. However the ball must go to one of the wide players first. The wide players should move up and down the area within their area and can choose to run with the ball after they receive it.

After the ball gets to a player in an end box they come into the area and the player that passed to them now goes into the end box.

Progression 1- The end box players 1st touch brings them back into the middle area straight away.

Progression 2- When passing to the end box player, use a give and go combination.

Coaching Points

Try to get the ball wide early.

Wide players to support the team that has the ball by moving with the direction of play.

Pass and control the ball with the inside of your foot.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Attacking wide play

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Attacking wide play
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Attacking wide play (20 mins)

Set Up

Make a 55x40 area with a 25x25 area in the middle. Split the players into 2 teams plus 2 keepers and 2 neutrals at will act as wingers.


The coach will start by passing the ball in. The team that is in possession have to try and get 4 passes in the middle area before they are allowed to pass the ball to a neutral wide player. Aftre the ball goes wide the winger runs down the field to cross the ball in towards 2 attacking players from that team.

As soon as their has been an outcome the coach will play a new ball into the area to restart.

Progression 1- add in a defender to make a 2V1

Progressioin 2- add in an extra attacker to make a 3V1

Progression 3- add in a 2nd defender and 4th attacker to make a 4V2

Coaching Points

Move the ball quickly.

Play the way your facing.

Move off the ball to new space to be an option for your teammates.

Look to get the ball wide as soon as possible after getting to 4 passes.

When attacking the goal, the player closest to the winger should be closest to the goal when the ball comes in. That way if they miss it the 2nd attack can still run onto the ball.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Game

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Game
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Game (20 mins)

Set Up

Make a 55x40 area and split the players into 2 teams plus 2 neutrals that will play as wingers for both teams.


Play a conditioned game where the ball must go wide before the attacking team can score. The wide players must stay on the outside of the area and cannot be tackled.

Coaching Points

Play the way you are facing if under pressure.

Look to get the ball wide early.

Move the ball quickly.

Look for fast transitions between defending to attacking.

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