Football/Soccer Session (Moderate): Preseason- Tuesday 1-1 Techincal-Defending (Start Time: 2015-09-01 16:00:00)

Profile Summary

Mark Purcell
Name: Mark Purcell
City: Comox
Country: Canada
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Football/Soccer
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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): FIFA 11 Warm-Up

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): FIFA 11 Warm-Up
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FIFA 11 Warm-Up (15 mins)


10x40 yard area (30 yards from first cone to last cone)


FIFA 11 Warm-Up

- Each exercise is ran 2x

- Jog back to the start line - use as recovery

- Try to have each pair be in sync/unison

- Next pair doesn't start until pair in front reaches first cones

1) Simple Jog down.

2) "Open the Gate": Drive knee straight up, then twist rotating out; Alternate legs.

3) "Close the Gate": Knee comes up but at a right angle to the body, then twist rotating inward; Alternate legs.

4) "Circle Partner": Pair runs to first cone, then still facing forward, side shuffle towards each other, going around one another in a tight circle, then shuffle back out to their side of the channel. Run forward to second cone and repeat.

5) "Jump with Shoulder contact": Pair runs to first cone, then still facing forward, side shuffle towards each other, and jump to bump shoulders, land softly and shuffle back out to their side of the channel. Run forward to the second cone and repeat.

6) Sprint to the second cone, decelerate to then backpedal to the first cone; sprint to the third cone, decelerate to then backpedal to the second cone, etc.

7) 75% pace sprint through the channel to opposite end.

8) "Bounding": Drive the knee up as you "jump/bound" across the channel; opposite arm should come up as your knee comes up; each "step" is a new bound (think long-jump strides).

9) "Plant & Cut": Pairs run across one another to the first cone and plant/cut to then go to cone two; zig-zag across one another through the length of the channel 

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): SAQ

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): SAQ
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SAQ (15 mins)


Set up circuit as shown in the diagram.

 The group is split in half. One group works (blue) while the other (red) is actively resting as servers.

blues work for 5 minutes then rests for 5 minutes as the reds group works. Each group completes the circuit 4 times.


Players start at one of the 8 stations and move around the circuit in a clockwise motion, completing:

•Passing exercises at each yellow cone.

•Ladder exercises at each ladder, followed by a football technique.

•Hurdle exercises at each set of hurdles followed by a football technique.

For simplicity in explaining, we will start the circuit at the bottom right cone: exchanges passes with a central server, using both feet. works through the ladder in a forward motion (2 feet in). With the server he then completes 2 side foot volleys, one left, one right. exchanges passes with a central server, using both feet. works through the hurdles in a forward motion (bunny hops). With the server he then completes 2 half volleys, one left, one right. exchanges passes with a central server, using both feet. works through the ladder in a forward motion (hop-scotch). With the server he then completes 2 laces volleys, one left, one right. exchanges passes with a central server, using both feet. works through the hurdles in a forward motion (1 foot in). With the server he then completes 2 knee control and volleys, one left, one right.

The reds group then works. Repeat 3 times.


 1.Work hard and don’t cut corners.

2.Perfect movement technique before working on quickness.

3.Ensure quality with the football, even when tired.

4.Help your team-mates with encouragement as they tire.


 1.Do SAQ exercises using lateral movements.

2.Do SAQ exercises using backward movements.

3.Do SAQ exercises using random movements.

Alter football techniques, e.g. inside-foot ball control and volley, chest and volley, heading etc.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Game: Fully Opposed (1v1)

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Game: Fully Opposed (1v1)
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Game: Fully Opposed (1v1) (15 mins)


-10 x 30 yard area (red cones) Using same set-up as previous two activites but playing side to side on area, Blue cones now make up the scoring zone, the attackers must be inside this zone to score and the defenders are not allowed in this area.


-Defender passes ball to attacker and plays defense on their first touch. Attacker must make it to the end zone to score, defenders are not allowed in the end zone.

Coaching Points:

1) pressure the ball

2) Slow down/delay the attacker

3) Dont dive in - patience, look for triggers



1)If defender steals ball they may score on opposite goal using the same rules.

2) Defender must touch tall cone on either side of area before they can defend

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Activity: 1v1 Defending

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Activity: 1v1 Defending
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Activity: 1v1 Defending (20 mins)


Two 12x20 areas with 3 gate goals as shown


One defending team, one attacking team. Play 1 from the defending passes into player two who turns and passes to player 3 of the attacking team. The attacker/3 must score by dribbling past the defender/1. The attacker gets 2 points for a dribble through yellow goals, 1 point for the red goals.


If the defender wins the ball they must pass to their player on the outside

Rotate players/opponents every 3 minutes

Coaching Points

1) Close down quickly - pressure the ball

2) Body position - side on, footwork

3) Slow down/delay the attacker

4) Dont dive in - patience, look for triggers

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Game:1v1 shoot or cross

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Game:1v1 shoot or cross
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Game:1v1 shoot or cross (20 mins)


Cones and Pugs

1v1 Simulate attacking flank

Blue player dribbles at red and attempts to beat red to access shooting/crossing zone.

Alternate sides

Coaching points:

1) pressure the ball

2) Slow down/delay the attacker

3) Dont dive in - patience, look for triggers


1) Goalies-Voice, Vpice

2) Defend WIn Ball Must make good pass

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Final Game

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Final Game
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Final Game (20 mins)



8v8 plus one


Coaching Points:

1) pressure the ball

2) Slow down/delay the attacker

3) Dont dive in - patience, look for triggers


1) No Coaching

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