Football/Soccer Session (Academy Sessions): 240116 - BU11/2013s CJS/CD - Build Out From the Back 1 (Start Time: 2024-01-16 18:30:00)

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Pro-Club: Heart of Midlothian FC

CJ Sandison

Profile Summary

CJ Sandison
Name: CJ Sandison
City: Edinburgh
Country: United Kingdom
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Football/Soccer
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Learning determines our sessions - What is the focus?

  • Building out from the back to progress the ball forward. Focus tonight on the technical aspects of how we do this.

What is the context of the group?

  • Coming off bounce games, looking forward to weekend to play Killie. A group who is strong on this theme, but can struggle against a high press with Plan B, C, D etc.
  • Training changed at last minute so tight space is all that is available.

What are the players' needs?

  • To work on playing out in high pressure situations

Coaching Actions - How will you facilitate the focus?

Suitable practice design, relation to game theme, high energy delivery to stimulate tempo

AMc, CS, MCa, JJ, BC, MG, ACe, MMc, CM, CT, HM, AI, NI, ACa, RC, MCr, OM, MD (T), RJ (2014) 15+2



Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Warm Up With Ball Rhythms

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Warm Up With Ball Rhythms
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Warm Up With Ball Rhythms (10 mins)

Phase 1 (Raise): The main focus of this phase is to increase respiration, heart rate, and blood flow to the muscle tissue. All exercises in this phase of the warm up should be executed at low intensity over the length of (10-15m)

1. Jogging up and back x 2 (3 more reps if it is a cold day) 10 -12m

2. Skips with arm rolls 10 -12m

3. Skips across the body 10 -12m

4. Knees over the gates (outward to in) 10 -12m

5. Knees over the gates (inward to out) 10 -12m

6. Carioca on way to top cone then back (facing the same way) 10 -12m

7. Side shuffles to half-way then change 10 -12m 

8. Backwards Jog to 10 -12m 

9. Shin Kicks to top 10 -12m

10. High Skips knee across 10 -12m

11. High Skips 10 -12m

12. Zig Zag Cutting 10 -12m

Phase 3 (Potentiation): The main focus of this phase is to ‘prime’ the athletes for their session or match. This phase of the warm-up will now incorporate sports-specific movements that compare to the levels that players will face in training or the match. Building up intensity is a safe strategy to use (quick - quicker - quickest).

1. Quick feet then jog back x 1 (5-6m)

2. High Knees x 1 (5-6m)

3. Side Shuffles walk back then repeat on other side (5-6m)

4. Diagonal shuffles forward then same movement backwards run (Jockeying) (5-6m)

5. Lateral step over cone then run to middle to turn to backwards run to top (10-12m)

6. Lateral step over cone then run to top (10-12m)

Reaction Drills:

1. First 3 players stand on half turn and they all go when one decides to go to middle (10-12m) x 3 *first one of these can be 5-6m and the others can be a zig zag run and up to end (10-12m)

2. Repeat x 2 *last run can be further around 15-20m

Ball Rhythms

1) Inside taps (*10 each foot)

2) Sole taps (*10 each foot)

3) Roll, stop (*10 (5 each foot))

4) Outside, inside cut (*10 (5 each foot))

5) Ball juggle (*10 each foot)

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Technical Passing: 2 ball turn to receive

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Technical Passing: 2 ball turn to receive
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Technical Passing: 2 ball turn to receive (20 mins)

Description: 2 x groups of 7 running simultaneously. P1 plays into P2 who opens up to play to P3. All follow their pass so now P1 is in middle, and P2 is behind P3. P4 then plays into P1 who opens up to P5 and so on. 

Timings: 4 x 2.5 minutes


A = 2 touch max

B = Bounce on outside

C = Bounce on inside and outside

D = Players choice for when to bounce, turn etc

Groups: CT, ACa, HM, MG, RC, BC, MMc, CM - NI, MD, MCr, OM, ACe, JJ, AI 

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): GRP: 4 x End player game - 5v5+1

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): GRP: 4 x End player game - 5v5+1
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GRP: 4 x End player game - 5v5+1 (20 mins)

Description: 5v5+1 with end & outside players. Directional with a goal scored for each transfer. Initially ball must be over half way to complete pass to end players, and cannot be above head height. Player remain fixed in end zones to begin with. 

Timings: 6 x 4 mins

Potential Progressions

A = Cannot play back to the same player from end

B = End players rotate

C = Half way line & head height removed

D = 2 touch (or 3 but next player takes 1) - 1st time on coaches delivery 

E = Mini goals at either end - 1st time set from end player for 1st time finish from someone inside box after 2 consecutive transfers. If they shoot and do not score, then they're back to 0 transfers. Team specific. 

F = No fixed end players - players utilise space to find end zones. Only one player in either end zone at any one time.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): 5v5v5

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): 5v5v5
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5v5v5 (35 mins)

Description: 5v5 with 5 off - games,  2 goals or 2 mins. No corners or throw ins. Ball always starts at GK to build game. 


Orange: CT - BC - AI - OM - MD

Yellow: ACa - MG - CM - NI - MCr

Blue: MMc - ACe - JJ - RC - RJ

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