Football/Soccer Session (Beginner): KIKOFF | u13-17 S&C warm-ups

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Pro-Club: FAW Coach Ed

Adam Davidson

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Adam Davidson
Name: Adam Davidson
City: Sydney
Country: Australia
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Football/Soccer


Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Activation

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Activation
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Activation (10 mins)

1. Double-leg bounces - 15s

2. Single-leg bounces - 30s (15s each leg)

3. Linear | double-leg bounces: back and forth across line - 15s

4. Linear | single-leg bounces: back and forth across line - 30s (15s each leg)

5. Lateral | double-leg bounces: side to side across line - 15s

6. Lateral | single-leg bounces: side to side across line - 30s (15s each leg)

5. Linear | switch bounces: back and forth across line - 15s

6. Lateral | criss-cross bounces: side to side across line - 15s

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Balance

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Balance
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Balance (10 mins)

1. Single-leg balance - 30s (15s each leg)

2. Single-leg balance w/ heel raises x 16 (8 each leg)

3. Single-leg balance w/ throw and catch - 30s (15s each leg)

4. Single-leg balance w/ team throw and catch - 30s (15s each leg) - always balance on outside leg

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Strength

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Strength
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Strength (10 mins)

1. Body-weight squat x 8

2. Single-leg squat x 16 (8 each leg).

3. Lunge x 12 (6 each leg).

4. Knee drive w/ single-leg deadlift x 16 (8 each leg)

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Plyometrics

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Plyometrics
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Plyometrics (10 mins)

1. Vertical Jump - 30s x 2

+ squat until knees are flexed at 90 degress: hold positon for 1s. Jump vertically as high as you can and straighten your body as you do so. Land softly on the balls of your feet and slowly bend hips, knees and ankles as you sink in to the squat position. Repeat for 30s before resting.

2. Standing Broad Jump - 30s x 2

+ squat until knees are flexed at 90 degress: hold position for 1s. Jump FWD as explosively as possible. Land gently on the balls of your feet and slowly bend hips, knees and ankles as you sink into the squat positon. Use arm swings for momemtum during the jump. Remember, a cushioned landing and poweful take-off supersede how far/ high you can jump.

3. Lateral Bounds 30s x 

+ standing on one leg, slightly bend your hip, knee and ankle joints

+ jump laterally 1m from your supporting leg to your other leg

+ land softly on the ball of your foot with a slight bend in your hip, knee and ankle joints

+ hold position for 1s before repeating exercise

+ keep chin up & chest out, upper body stable and facing FWD, pelvis horizontal

4. Lateral Bounds w/ balanced reach - 30s x 1

+ as above, except upon holding position on left leg, bring right hand down to touch toes (and vice versa on opposite leg) to test balance.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Coordination

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Coordination
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Coordination (10 mins)

All of the following exercises are performed from white cone to white cone: -

1. Straight ahead: easy jog

2. Skipping (arms loose)

3. Skipping (arms across)

4. Skipping (arms FWD + BWD)

5. Sidesteps (FWD + BWD)

6. Tick-tocks (drive feet out to side)

7. Tick-tocks (opposite hands and legs)

8. Tick-tocks (same hands and legs)

9. BWD knee drives (quick feet on floor)

10. FWD knee drives (quick feet on floor)

11. Can-can leg extension (two-step rhythm)

12. Heel to hand (quick feet on floor)

13. Can-can sweeping leg through w/ look over shoulder

14. Dancing feet

15. Heel up and out

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Coordination: mirror exercise

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Coordination: mirror exercise
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Coordination: mirror exercise (10 mins)

In pairs, one player is designated the leader; their partner in the opposite square must mimic their movements.

1. all movements are performed with hips facing FWD - 20s / rest / change roles

2. leader can now move in any direction; no restriction on which way hips are facing - 20s / rest / change roles

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Position-specific movement: acceleration + deceleration

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Position-specific movement: acceleration + deceleration
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Position-specific movement: acceleration + deceleration (10 mins)

Correcting body position & footwork pattern when accelerating and decelerating. We should hear a pitter-patter during deceleration; drop hips and get lower 1-2m away from pole; get lower, earlier.

UNOPPOSED - players work individually to perform position-specific movement

1. Accelerate to pole, decelerate into set-position (DEF) before walk back

2. Accelerate beyond pole, decelerate into pivot / open body position (ATT) before walk back

3. Accelerate to pole, decelerate into set position before cross-over and sprint through gate (DEF)

4. Accelerate beyond pole, decelerate into pivot / open body position before sprint through gate (ATT)

OPPOSED - players work in opposed pairs to perform position-specific movement.

1. Lead player (ATT) sprints beyond pole and decelerates to pivot / open body position before sprint through gate. Partner (DEF) sprints to pole and decelerates into set position before sprint to prevent ATT passing through gate.

NB: ATT chooses which way to sprint; encouraged to drop shoulder before committing to one side.

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