Football/Soccer Session (Academy Sessions): Dribbling Drill (Start Time: 2024-01-12 08:55:00)

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Pro-Club: SK Football Academy


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City: Zomba
Country: Malawi
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Football/Soccer
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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Warm Up: Dribbling marbles

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Warm Up: Dribbling marbles
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Learning Objectives

Mastering to dribble in tight places (under pressure, shielding)
To improve awareness and vision,
Improving coordination (complex motor skills), balance, speed, agility and flexibility
Improve Commitment of players

Warm Up: Dribbling marbles (15 mins)

Objective: Learning to dribble in tight spaces

Field: 15 x 15

Equipment: 4 cones, one ball each player, bibs

Organization: Each player with a ball 

Instructions/Coaching points: players to dribble the ball inside their grid, maintain control of the ball but do not run into other players-they are enemies. Dribble with different surface of the foot (depending on ability)-inside (big foot), instep, outside (little toe and sole)

Variations: For u13, u21, players must use right foot only, left foot only, perform specific moves or combination of moves

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Fitness: Four Corners Tag

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Fitness: Four Corners Tag
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Fitness: Four Corners Tag (15 mins)

Objective: Improving coordination, balance, speed and agility

Field:20y x 20y

Equipment: 16 cones, 3 bibs (pinnies)

Organisation: Three taggers, the rest are runners

Instructions/Coaching points: Runners can use safe zones (corners), only one runner per safe zone at a time. If a second runner arrives in a safe zone, the first runner must leave. Runner is tagged, crouches down. Rotate tagger every 60-90 minutes. Coach changing direction, speed, reaction speed, and vision.

Variations: Have runners become dribblers by adding balls

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Technical/Tactical Game: 1v1 zones to goal

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Technical/Tactical Game: 1v1 zones to goal
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Technical/Tactical Game: 1v1 zones to goal (25 mins)

Objective: Improving the ability to go past a defender, shooting

Equipment:8 small cones, 2 large cones, balls, pinnies

Organization: 2 defenders,1 kg, the rest are attackers

Rules/Coaching points: Attacking players start play by dribbling into zone. Attacking player attempts to beat both defenders and shoot on goal. Defender wins ball and passes back to attacking line. Next attacker dribbles when ball is out of bounds, attacker is out of the 2nd zone, or when defender passes ball back to line. Let players get past defender as quickly as possible, via dribble. Shoot on goal (low shot to corners is ideal)

Variation: When defending player wins the ball, he dribbles off the field, and attacker must now attempt to win the ball back. Transition from attack to defense and defense to attack. Defender rotate with attacker after they win the ball- u13, u21

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