Football/Soccer Session (Academy Sessions): Alex Meredith - IP Switching play OA3 B LICENSE ASSESSMENT

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Pro-Club: FAW Coach Ed

Alex Meredith

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Alex Meredith
Name: Alex Meredith
City: Penymynydd
Country: United Kingdom
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Football/Soccer


Understanding the Welsh Way Principles of 'Swithching Play' In Possession

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Specific

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Specific
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FAW/UEFA B Licence - Switching Play - In Possession

Specific Practice into SSG

Welsh Way Principle 

- Understanding how & when to switch play effectively

Organisation & Area size

Half pitch + full width

2 x 10 yards channels running the length of the playing area

3 x mini goals - as shown + 1 Full size for SSG in position

1 x full size goal with GK

Balls,cones & bibs

Extra diagonal red taper set up with flats to be used for SSG

Mini goals willl be removed for the SSG

REDS 1(GK)-3-4

BLUES 4-2-1

7 x 7 + 1 Keeper


- Switching play / In Possession

- Specific

- Age :U16/U19

- Number of players: 15

- Time: 10 minutes

Explanation / How

- working with the red team in possession.

- Play will start with the red GK who will play the ball into one of the red defenders.

- The red's will aim to get the ball wide into channels, when safe and effective to do so

- central passes to then play wide if necessary

- The red's will get 1  point for scoring in the channel goals and 2 points for scoring in the central goal.This will encourage the advanced midfielder or striker to receive from the wings and face a potential 1v1 situation (this is likely to happen in an 11v11 game.

- Resume from the red keeper when the ball goes out of play.

- blue's aim is to score into the large goal as quickly as possible following the same principles as best they can.

- red fullbacks are to stay wide to create the space in central areas ,this will create an option to switch play using a pivot GK,CB or CM

- red's receive the ball with open body shape (open hips) and correct angle ,this will enable passes to be fast and accurate as you play the switch .If the ball speed/ body shape is wrong, opposition have the chance to shut off the space and prevent switch

- red's must be patient and do it at the right time, dont force the switch, aim to attack weak side

- blue's are only allowed in 2 of the 3 areas  at any one time when defending, this creates realistic game scenarios where the opposition would be narrow protecting the space.

- blues will be encouraged to press the red's and apply pressure quickly to encourage the right principles of the switch from the reds.

- When the blue's win possession they will be allowed to play in all 3 zones and attempt to score as quickly as possible.

- Support under the ball to find switch, also creating defensive balance.

Challenges,Targets & Conditions:

1. Find the spare player's to use minimum number of players when switching's are given 3 points for a goal scored in the central mini-goal

 4.Blues challenged to shoot within 3 passes / 8-10 seconds's work hard to force mistakes and apply pressure to regain possession (counter pressure) - pin opposition to touchline then look to play from high to low pressure

6.Blues can not be in a channel if the ball isn't in there, only press when the ball has reached the channel



Coaching Process


Walk through (visual demonstration

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): SSG

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): SSG
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Small Sided Game (SSG) - 10 minutes

Organisation & Area Size

- +10 yards on Half pitch, full width 

- Wide zones are removed and mini goals are removed.Full size goal is used and red diagonal tapers to the bye lines.

- Diagonal lines/tapers are there as there are no fullbacks for blue's or wingers for reds

- Added a red Keeper, number 9 & blue 9.

- 9 v 9 (including 2 GK)


- Switching play / In Possession

- SSG   

- Age: U16

- Number of players: 18

- Duration: 10 minutes

Explanation / How

Play as a normal 9-a-side SSG, no corners, Coach feeds ball when previous ball goes dead).

  • Play will start from the red keeper who will pass out to his red defender who will get it wide quickly.The red's will be looking at the switch of play to attack weak side and progress to the final third before shooting

  • The aim for both teams is to score in the full-size goals.Working with the red's in possession looking to replicate the principles of specific practice

  • The red's wide fullbacks are not locked into the wide zones but encouraged to utilise width of pitch

  • Tapers will cut off some space for blues, blues will be encouraged to play the same way as specific in pressing reds and looking to force errors / stop switch, blues are to stay compact and tight and force the ball wide.

  • The red central Midfield pair will rotate to create space and constant movement in the switching play process as they progress to the final third. (back foot, open hips, scanning).

Key Points:

In Possession

- red's looking for realism in the SSG with tempo of play

- Movement when playing from the back to create yourself space and time to find the switch

- Speed of play to execute effective switch of play

- support under the ball - holding mid(6) /  CB, GK

- Scan, open body shape, playing on two feet, ball speed

Out of Possession

- red's counter-press to recover the ball

- Blues press and try and close down the REDS and stop them switching play

- Red midfielders and the 10 correct body shape early when they've recovered the ball


Coaching process


Walk through

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