Football/Soccer Session (Academy Sessions): Academy U15 7 Dec 11

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Gregg Broughton

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Gregg Broughton
Name: Gregg Broughton
City: Luton
Country: United Kingdom
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Football/Soccer
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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Screen 1

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Screen 1
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Screen 1

4 vs 4 vs 4

Possession, team who givesball away becomes the defending team

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Screen 2

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Screen 2
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Screen 2

Zola Zona Rotation Game

6v6 with a Middle (Zola Zone)

Only 1 Player can operate in Zone from the team in Possession

Ball Must be passed through Zola Zone into the other half

Progressed to Players can travel anywhere on pitch so long as there is a 3v3 in each end zone

Ideal Session to coach in a 4-3-3 working on movement of midfield and front 3

Coaching Points

-Work on rotation of front 3

-Awareness (receiving on back foot) of player in Zola Zone

-Coaching interchange of players within zones (i.e Forward drops into Defending Half for defender to get into attacking half

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Control-golpeo

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Control-golpeo
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Ejercicio para mejorar el control, conducción y golpeo de balón.

Edad: 8-10 años

1) Se colocarán a 10 metros(o según difucultad que se trabaje),cuadros marcados con platos teniendo entre cada plato una distancia de 1.5 metros(pudiendo reducir para incrementar dificultad).

2) El jugador A golpeará a raz de pasto con parte interna primero al jugador B, quien controlará de parte interna y haciendo una recepción dirigida deberá acomodar el balón para que pueda golpear de igual forma de parte interna al jugador A. Ambos jugadores deberán vitar que al momento de la recepción el balón salga del cuadro o que en la recepción se les levante la pelot.

3) Una variante del ejercicio podrá ser cambiar el golpe para hacerlo con empeine, para lo cual deberá de alargarse la distancia a 15 metros y así se podrá ir aumentando la dificultad.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Screen 4

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Screen 4
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Screen 4

3v2 Overload from Deep

2 Teams Alternating between Defending and Attacking. Attacking team begins with centre forward up against 2 defenders. Ball is played from Goalkeeper into centre forward and then 2 midfielders join to create 3v2 Overload. When attacking team finish they become defending team and defending team become attackers to the other goal.


-Ball can be played to 1 of 2 midfielders instead of centre forward

-Defenders can steal first pass

-Limit touches to 1 and 2 touch

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