Football/Soccer Session (Beginner): Outdoor Academy U8, Phase 4, Session 1- Possession to Finish

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Reseller-Club: Premier Users' Club

Alex Sabatini

Profile Summary

Alex Sabatini
Name: Alex Sabatini
City: kleinburg
Country: Canada
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Football/Soccer


Players will learn and refine their ability to finish in an opposed and unopposed environment

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Pass to finish

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Pass to finish
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Pass to finish (10 mins)


 Players positioned as above approx 10 yards from one another.


-Player A passes to Player B, Player B passes to Player C, player C dribbles and finishes

ROTATION(A becomes B, B becomes C, C end of line

-If players are dribbling to close to the goal add a striking line 10 yds from the net where the players must strike the ball behind...

Coaching Points


-Positive 1ST TOUCH towards net and good preperation touch out of feet

-observe (position of goalie -head up)

-accelerate to ball at an angle

-eye on ball on contact

-follow through/strike through the ball

-part of foot

-accuracy before power

You may choose to review the following key factors for passing and receiving


-Starting position of player- the receiver must be behind and at an angle where they can comfortably receive the ball and take a directional touch toward the next receiver.

-eye on the ball to receive

-contact point is equator of the ball with locked ankle

-positive first touch in personal space (1-2 yds out of feet) in the direction of target


-speed of pass

-accuracy of pass

-contact point is equator of ball with toe slightly up

-head and chest down on contact

-eye on ball on contact

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Wall pass to finish

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Wall pass to finish
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Wall pass to finish (5 mins)

 Progression 1


 -Player A passes to Player B, Player B passes to Player C, player C passes to B(wall pass), C dribbles and finishes

-Following the sequence players rotate to next pylon(A becomes B, B becomes C, C end of line

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): 1 v 1 to finish

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): 1 v 1 to finish
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1 v 1 to finish (20 mins)


-Activity takes place in a 10 x 20 area

-1 v 1 : Player A passes to Player B and defends, Player A attacks the goal to score. If A wins the ball he/she tries to pass the ball to Player C who functions as the target..12 seconds max. Players return to their original line.

-Switch roles after 5 minutes and give each player the ability to finish 2 times.

-Keep score and make it competitive!!!

Coaching Points:

Finishing points as above +:

-Attacking mentality

-see the ball and player

-Change of speed and direction(Can they use a creative move to unbalance defender)

-Attack the space behind the defender

-Players should start to understand they can Penetrate with a shot first (if they are within strike distance), second dribble to shoot.

-DO not coach the defender but "Manage" him or her..make sure their putting reasonable pressure on the ball..

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Small sided activity:3 v 3 w/bumper players

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Small sided activity:3 v 3 w/bumper players
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Small sided activity:3 v 3 w/bumper players (20 mins)


-The activity takes place in a 20 x 20 area.

-Play 2 v 2(adjust numbers in grid , add a neutral if need be) with bumper players beside nets

-Teams receive 1 point for scoring within the oppositions half of field, 2 points for passing to a bumper player and then finishing and 3 points for scoring behind their half of center

-This will be exhausting for the players, so play for a max of 3 minutes and then rotate players. The players will get ``active rest`` as they serve as bumper players...

-Coaches be sure to have a number of balls at your feet so you can serve a ball in once it goes out of bounds..

Coaching points:

Finishing key factors as above +:

-look to fish across the face of the net- far post; explain why....

-Creativity- if you are 1 v 1 can you use a move to unbalance the defender and finish

-Movement/mobility: pass and then move to support

-Have players look for 2 v 1 overloads to combine to wall pass, introduce overlap run

- when to pass and when to dribble...

-remind the players that they always have support behind them in the goalie...

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): 5 v 5 SSG

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): 5 v 5 SSG
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5 v 5 SSG (20 mins)


5 v 5 game

Coaching Points:

-finishing key factors

-attacking principles of

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