Football/Soccer Session (Beginner): WEEK 1: Introductory session: Individual Foot skills & 1 v 1

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Pro-Club: Pleasanton RAGE Girls Soccer Club

Sarah Fawcett

Profile Summary

Sarah  Fawcett
Name: Sarah Fawcett
City: Leeds
Country: United Kingdom
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Football/Soccer
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- To gain a basic understanding of the individual ability of each player

- To develop individual foot skills, applying them effectively in a 1 v 1 situation.


Arrival Activities (0-10 minutes):

Juggling - can you reach 5 juggles

Name Game - pass ball to a player, say name, favorite player and position.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Warm up : Cogi Training

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Warm up : Cogi Training
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Warm up : Cogi Training (20 mins)

INTENSITY: Moderate to high ACTIVITY: 1 Min REST: 30 secs INTERVALS (REPS): 10


Set up:

-place cone or pole in centre with small cones 15 yards from middle as shown

-divide group into 4 (one group behind each cone)



- 4 players at once (one from each line). One ball per line.

- Players start and finish at same line after going all the way round.


1. Co-ord./PsychoMotive

- Begin with light jog to middle, around pole, jog out and join line to left. Repeat with lateral movement, backwards, skipping.


2. Footskills:

a). Players dribble ball to middle go around the pole and dribble to their left passing ball to next play (Right foot, Left foot, then inside outside both feet).

b). Repeat with Toe taps to middle, soccer boxes out.

c). Right sole roll (drag) in and Left Sole (drag) roll out.

d). Players Dribble to the middle, stop the ball and take players ball to their left. Explode out once you collect the ball from middle.

e). Players use decision making to perform any footskils around the cross.



Coaching Points:

1. Close control

2. Use all surfaces of the foot

3. Keep your head up and use periheral vision

4. Change of direction and acceleration.

5. Decision Making.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): 1 v 1

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): 1 v 1
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1 v 1 (20 mins)




- 1 v 1 goal

- Coach feeds ball out to middle.

- Players go 1 v 1 and must perform a turn before they go to either goal.

- If defender wins the ball, play transitions and they aim to score.



1. Different start positions - laid down, sat down, on their knees

2. Players must run around the goal before going out to get the ball.



- every goal scored is 10 points.


Coaching Points:

1. close control

2. use your body to protect the ball

3. dribble towards defender at speed

4. be creative

5. identify the space and accelerate into it

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): 4 v 4 Free Play

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): 4 v 4 Free Play
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4 v 4 Free Play (20 mins)




1. 4 v 4 (3 teams - one rest)

- diamond shape

- players to rotate positions after every rep

- Unrestricted game


2. 1 v 1 Station

- When a player scores they challenge a player from the resting team to a 1 v 1 to gain an extra goal for their team. Once the 1 v 1 is over they rejoin the practice.


Coaching Points:

1. Reinforce all previous points

2. Encourage 1 v 1 dribbling

3. Less coaching, let them play

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Animation Controls (PCs, Macs, Laptops):

Play animation
Play step-by-step
Repeat (toggle)
Full Screen

Back/Forward: Drag timeline button