Football/Soccer Session (Beginner): QS Ulster (Littlestrikers) - Week 3

Profile Summary

Stephen Fells
Name: Stephen Fells
City: Wappingers Falls
Country: United States of America
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Football/Soccer
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Quickstrike FC is a premier soccer program that competes at the Regional and National levels.

Our primary focus is the development of player values; including commitment to excellence, sportsmanship, as well as technical, tactical and team skills required to fulfill potential and progress to the highest level of play. The program provides high standard of excellence as it relates to a professional coaching and training.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Activity 1

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Activity 1
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Activity 1 (5 mins)


Every player with soccer ball. Area based on number of players.


Players juggle ball.

Initially they start with ball in hands, drop to foot and catch it.

Player then drops ball onto ground, kicks it up and catches it.

Finally player trys to kick the ball more than once before catching it/it hitting ground.

Coaching Points:

Find space

Use flat part of foot - laces

Don't kick too hard - try to keep under head height

Keep eye on ball


R - Allow ball to bounce once between kicks

R - Allow player to start with ball in hands

P - Player starts with ball on ground

P - Player keeps count and trys to beat their record

P - Right foot only

P - Left foot only

P - Left foot, right foot alternate

P - Thighs only

P - Left foot, right foot, thighs

P - Add competition - who can juggle the longest

P - Get into groups of 2,3,4,5 players and juggle as a team.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Activity 2

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Activity 2
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Activity 2 (5 mins)


Open space with one line to define the 'River' and the 'Bank.' Coach at A.


All players start by standing on the 'Bank'/line facing the coach. When the coach calls out ‘In the River’ all players must jump over the line. When the coach calls out ‘On the Bank’ all the players jump away from the coach back over the line onto the Bank. The coach attempts to catch out the players by quick commands that sometimes repeat – ‘In the River, on the Bank, in the River,in the River!’ If a player jumps in the wrong direction, they join the coach. The coach plays for a set time to see how many players they can catch out!

Coaching Points:

Feet together when jumping

Arms out to balance




P/R - Increase/decrease speed of instructions.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Activity 3

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Activity 3
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Activity 3 (10 mins)


40' yards x 20 yards.


Split players into two groups - 'sharks' and 'minnows.' Minnows go to one end of 'ocean'/zone, sharks 'swim' in middle. Ratio of sharks to minnows dependant on number of available players. but should not exceed 10 to 1. When sharks shout out "Shark Bait!" the minnows have to run/swim to other end of zone with ball. If they are tagged/eaten by a shark they become a shark. Play until last person/minnow remains - they are King/Queen Minnow!


Sharks are not allowed in 'shallow end' of ocean - near to end of zone.

If a minnow swims/runs out of the ocean/zone they become a shark.

Coaching Points:

Keep ball close to foot

Use big toe, little toe, laces

Lift head when running

Use space

Change of direction/speed


P - Every player has to swim/run with a soccer ball at their feet

P - Sharks have to hold hands - activity also referred to a 'Blob'

P/R - Increase/decrease size of playing area.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Game

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Game
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Game (40 mins)


Soccer field as shown.

3 v 3 or adapt based on number of available players.

4 x 6 minutes with 5 minute breaks.

'Reffed' by QS assistant.


Play soccer! Have fun!

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Animation Controls (PCs, Macs, Laptops):

Play animation
Play step-by-step
Repeat (toggle)
Full Screen

Back/Forward: Drag timeline button