Football/Soccer Session (Moderate): HiPe testing practices

Profile Summary

Rodney Haggarty
Name: Rodney Haggarty
City: Thornton
Country: Australia
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Football/Soccer
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Hipe testing practices

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): ball striking - short passing

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): ball striking - short passing
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ball striking - short passing

SET UP: Players start on marker 5 metres from rebound wall - with a set of balls (up to 6) placed in a zone a further 5 metres away with a passing gate (arc) , placed near the wall at an angle approx 7 metres away. 1 player per side - remaining player is to collect balls and return tjem to zone

AIM: Play & receive pass from the rebound wall and then pass at target in 40 seconds. Right and left foot to be tested

HOW: Player to start at the red marker must go and collect each ball from zone and pass into the wall receive pass back & touch/control and then pass the ball through the gate- once achieved goes gets next ball and repeats process with passing to be allowed from red marker. Continues for 60 seconds , using only 1 foot, and then repeats using other passing foot.

SCORING: Player has 60 seconds to get as many passes as they can & only passes that go THROUGH the target are counted- after 60seconds total correct passes recordded for eac h foot. Player rests and then after next player, player repeats ensuring 2 attempts per player per foot.

Each attempt scores are recorded on sheet.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): 1 v 1

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): 1 v 1
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1 v 1

SET UP: Players start on marker 10 metres from defender (pole/mannequin- which is 15 m from goal) and must collect pass from Player B RWB around the marker and hit target immediately after going around marker - on each side player must go around to set up shot on left/right foot, - Each player gets 4 attempts per side x 2 sets.

AIM: RWB at speed around marker hit target. Right and left foot to be tested

HOW: Player A to receive a pass from player B (who is 5 m away square with player A starting point - which is 10 m from defending pole) who then attacks defending pole and must go around and shoot immedistely aiming to hit small target - 4 attempts per player on each side x 2 attempts each player per side. After having shot must return to marker- get next pass and repeat process.

SCORING: Player records each time a goal is scored ONLY if correct proceess is followed. Player rests and then after next player, player repeats ensuring 2 attempts per player per foot.

Each attempt scores are recorded on sheet.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): 1st touch - part 1

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): 1st touch - part 1
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1st touch - part 1

SET UP: Players start on marker 1 metre from rebound wall - with 1 ball - Players have 60 seconds to get as many consecutive sets of passses into the wall before losing control - 1st time passes

AIM: Play pass into the wall 1st time - keep control - try to keep controlas long as you can in 60 seconds

HOW: Player has 60 seconds for continious passing into the wall, keeping ball on ground and under control - Once they have lost possession of the ball,must re-set and start again.Each attempt with a different foot, for ex 1st 60 seconfds is right foot and next 60 seconds is left foot - 2 attempts per foot.

SCORING: Player has 60 seconds to get as little sets of ball control - each time they lose possession or control - they re-start that is a new set - record number of sets in 60 seconds. x 2 attempts per player per foot

Each attempt scores are recorded on sheet.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): 1st touch Part 2 Ball juggling

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): 1st touch Part 2 Ball juggling
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1st touch Part 2 Ball juggling

SET UP: Each player with a ball - Coach to call start & finish based on clock 60 seconds per skill

AIM: Retain ball by juggling with different parts of body for 60 seconds - conting sets done in that time (the less the better)

HOW: Each player is instructed to keep the ball in air using the following technique for 60 seconds

(1) Feet only 1 foot

(2) both feet

(3) Thigh both

(4) Any combination

SCORING: Player has 60 seconds to get as many touches as they can in that time using each of the 4 techniques for 60 seconds each - best score for each is recorded

Each attempt scores are recorded on sheet.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Runnin with the Ball

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Runnin with the Ball
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Runnin with the Ball

SET UP: Players start on marker (A) approx 25 metres away from goal with 4 markers placed on path 1 step apart and a line 10 metrs from target at end- Player starting point is 5 metres away from 1st marker with a group of balls at the starting point

AIM: To run with ball at speed , hitting a specific target at end, keep ball close and timed run

HOW: Player to start at point A, on coaches timer.must RWB around each marker and when gets to RED line must mak a pass or shot to the designated target approx 10 metres away. Once shot hits target timer is stopped. Repeats 4 sets each player

SCORING: Player is timed for practice from coach at point A and time stops when ball hits target at end. If ball does not hit target or player hits any of the 4 markers NO time is recorded. each of the 4 attempts is recorded and timed by the player.

Each attempt scores are recorded on sheet.

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