Miles Hunt
Name: | Miles Hunt |
City: | Edmonton |
Country: | Canada |
Membership: | Adult Member |
Sport: | Football/Soccer |
See the guidance at the top of this page to understand why you are not seeing interactive Football/Soccer images.
Set Up:Field size full width just over half,balls,cones,1pole marker,4 mannequins,16 players
Instructions:Ball played from holding mid into attacking mid who plays to winger driving inside who then plays a penatrating pass for the striker /winger for an attemp on goal ,play from both sides,after a few runs bring in defenders
Coaching Points:cues to check away and come back to receive,receiving body shape,timing of runs,disguise ,timing direction and weight of pass,stay connected with follow up runs,when defenders are active play whats available,if the defender doesnt pull with the striker he can turn and go at the back line.
Key factors:Attacking Principals
Dispersal,mobility, support/depth,penetration,individualism,surprise.
See the guidance at the top of this page to understand why you are not seeing interactive Football/Soccer images.
Set Up:Full width field just over half,balls,2 full size nets,cones,4 flags,16 players 8v8 both teams set up 2-3-2.
Instructions:Like a regular game ,conditions are all restarts from both GK,field zoned into 3, 3 v 2 in both attacking zones to benefit strikers space,2 v 2 in the middle zone,attacking player must drop into middle zone to receive defender cannot follow until its touched,midfielder can now enter attacking zone
Coaching Points:cues to check away and come back to receive,receiving body shape,timing of runs,disguise of striker runs,timing direction and weight of pass,stay switched on for third man runs.
What ifs:the first striker doesnt pull a defender hold and turn ,second striker fills in the space,options to play in second striker ,third man running or go at defender 1v1 or have a strike at goal.
Dont force options play whats on it will come naturally.
Key factors:Attacking Principals
Dispersal,mobility, support/depth,penetration,individualism,surprise.
See the guidance at the top of this page to understand why you are not seeing interactive Football/Soccer images.
Set Up:Full width field just over half,balls,1 full size net,2 target nets,4 pole markers,16 players 8v8 blue set up 4-2-1,red set up 2-3-3
Instructions:reds attacking large goal,blues trying to score in target nets,must be inside pole marker,all restarts from pole marker with reds.
Coaching Points:cues to check away and come back to receive,receiving body shape,timing of runs,disguise of first striker,timing direction and weight of pass,stay switched on for third man runs,emphasise the movement from component 1 option 1 and 2
What ifs:the first striker doesnt pull a defender hold and turn ,second striker fills in the space,options to play in second striker ,third man running or go at defender 1v1 or have a strike at goal.
Dont force options play whats on it will come naturally.
Key factors:Attacking Principals
Dispersal,mobility, support/depth,penetration,individualism,surprise.
© Copyright 2022 Sport Session Planner Ltd.
Developed with Partnership Developers, a division of Kyosei Systems.
Animation Controls (PCs, Macs, Laptops):
Play animation
Play step-by-step
Repeat (toggle)
Full Screen
Back/Forward: Drag timeline button
Component 1 option 1
Set Up:Field size full width just over half,balls,cones,1pole marker,4 mannequins,16 players
Instructions:Ball played from holding mid into attacking mid who plays to central striker who then plays into second attacking mid,who looks to play a penatrating pass for the winger for an attemp on goal ,play from both sides,after a few runs bring in defenders
Coaching Points:cues to check away and come back to receive,receiving body shape,timing of runs,disguise ,timing direction and weight of pass,stay connected with follow up runs,when defenders are active play whats on,if the defender doesnt pull with the striker he can turn and go at the back line.
Key factors:Attacking Principals
Dispersal,mobility, support/depth,penetration,individualism,surprise.