Football/Soccer Session (Beginner): Land Park Week 2

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Jeremy Williams

Profile Summary

Jeremy Williams
Name: Jeremy Williams
City: Palo Alto, CA
Country: United States of America
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Football/Soccer
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Key Learning Outcomes

• Dribbling to keep possession, change of speed and direction when attacking

• Players will demonstrate the use of turning methods to keep possession

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Warm-up/Arrival

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Warm-up/Arrival
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-20 x 20 yard area

-Each player has a ball


Part 1

Each player has a ball and must utilize the space to dribble in different ways

Messi, Ronaldo

Players will be asked how they might use each type, after they have been introduced:

-If you have a lot of space which technique might be the best?

-If you are in a very tight space how could you dribble?

Progression 1

-Space is the same, now all but two players have a ball.

-The players with out the ball are defenders and hold a pinnie in their hand.

-Defenders are trying to simply touch another players ball with their foot (They are not trying to tackle)

-When a Defender touches a ball they take that ball and give their pinnie to the attacker.

-That attacker then becomes the tagger/defender

-The goal is to get tagged the fewest times and to not be it when time runs out.

Progression 2

-Area is the same now the two or three defenders get out of the middle by stealing the ball from one of the attackers and scoring on one of the pugs, if they score, the player they stole it from becomes the defender and must go and try to steal the ball from one of the other players. this process continues.

Coaching Points:

1) Using the proper dribbling technique/surface of the foot

2) Looking for/identifiying where the open space.

3) Aware of the defenders and other attackers

4) Changing direction to utilize space or escape a defender


P-Now defenders must steal the ball and score on one of the pugs, if they do this the attacker becomes the defender and must try to get the ball off of someone else.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Unopposed

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Unopposed
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Unopposed (15 mins)


Players in groups of 3 1 ball per group Turning zone in middle Instructions:

Players dribble out to turning zone and perform 2 turns designated by the coach before passing to the next player and rotating positions. That player then repeats action.

Coaching Points:

1) Small 'messi' touches when dribble

2) head up

3) speed of execution

4) how 'realistic' is the turn? sell trun as a strike/pass etc. Eye contact/connection with next player before make pass

Tailor to your group by teaching a technique that is applicable to their ability


Drag Turn

• Drag the ball back with the sole of the foot

• Turn to the side of which foot is being used

• Take the ball away using the opposite foot


Inside Cut

• Step to the side of the ball with the non-kicking foot

• Pivot on that foot

• Cut the ball back with the inside of the opposite foot

Outside Cut

• Step to the outside of the ball with the non-kicking foot

• Pivot on that foot

• Cut the ball back with the outside of the opposite foot



• Toe part of the sole to drag ball back

• Movement of non-kicking foot as you drag ball

• Turn body opposite to foot you use

Cryuff Turn

• Use of arms to fake

• Position on non-kicking foot alongside ball

• Push ball with kicking foot through legs

• Angle/distance of push to help with next action


Make it a race between groups

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Semi-Opposed

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Semi-Opposed
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Semi-Opposed (20 mins)


-Players in groups of 4.

-2 players 'active', 2 players rest/referee game

-1 ball per group needed but have others close by to restart rotation quickly

-2 cones of same color approx 8 yards apart with 2 cones of a different color 'mirroring' them 1 yard opposite.


• Attacking player, plays between red cones, the defender player between the blue.

• The attacking player must stop the ball on either red cone before the defender can place his foot on the corresponding cone.

• If the defender has his foot placed on a cone, the attacker must turn and play towards the other red cone. If the defender then beats him to the corresponding blue cone the attacker must turn again. The attacker keeps trying to lose the defender by turning/tricking him until thinks can score and places ball on a red cone before the defender can place foot on corresponding blue cone. if he does this the attacker scores a point.

-The active pair finish their rotation when either a point is scored, or the attacker dribbles passed/over the end cones by mistake or the attacker stops the ball on a red cone when the defender already has his foot on the corresponding blue cone.

-The defender cannot steal the ball/interfere with the attacking player in anyway.

-Once the rotation is finished the next pair who have been resting/refereeing the game become the 'active' pair, when the resting pair become active again the attacker becomes the defender and vice versa.

Coaching Points:

1) Use the turning techniques to change direction quickly.

2) 'Sell' the skills to fake out the defenders into going into the wrong direction

3) Try to look at the defenders body position/weight and change direction at correct moments

--(when defenders hips turned fully commited to 1 direction/cone).

4) Change of speed

5) Use a variety of skills/turns

6) Take the space/use speed if get ahead of defender


-Have leaderboard, player who scores most points in his group, play against the highest scorers in the other groups.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): 1v1 Fully Opposed

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): 1v1 Fully Opposed
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1v1 Fully Opposed (20 mins)


-1 field (2 fields if needed) , 2 teams, two goals facing outside of the field in the middle. 1 team starts with all the balls


• Defender plays to attacker and then looks to pressure and win ball, both players are looking to score in either goal.

• NOTE: if players cant effectivly make a pass, have th attacker start with the ball and the defender can pressure once th attacker takes their first touch

Coaching Points:

1) 1st touch out of feet.

2) Head up

3) Recognition of space and pressure. Cutting across player after turn. Protecting ball if pressure is tight.

4) End product so head up after turn.


Most goals in 3 mins.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Free Play

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Free Play
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Free Play (25 mins)


-2 small sided fields, players divided into 4 teams dependin upon numbers


• Small sided games max 4v4 consider how to arrange the players to force turns to come out.

Coaching Points:

1) Reinforce coaching points from through the session


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Animation Controls (PCs, Macs, Laptops):

Play animation
Play step-by-step
Repeat (toggle)
Full Screen

Back/Forward: Drag timeline button