Football/Soccer Session (Academy Sessions): 4v2 POSSESSION TRANSFER GAME BUILD-UP UNDER HIGH PRESSURE (Part 1)

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Reseller-Club: Premier Users' Club

Jamie Edwards

Profile Summary

Jamie Edwards
Name: Jamie Edwards
City: Wappingers Falls
Country: United States of America
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Football/Soccer
Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): 4v2 Possession transfer game

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): 4v2 Possession transfer game
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4v2 Possession transfer game (30 mins)

Set Up:

Groups of 10. 4v2 Possession transfer game. Players split into 5 pairs.


Sessions starts with 2 pairs in one end of the grid. They should try to transfer the ball from one side of the grid to the opposite side of the area through the 2 players in the middle area marked by cones.

Players in possession should play around the yellow defenders or through and then into the 2 players in the center. When receiving the ball players should turn and pass the ball out to the pair on the opposite side.

The central pair should follow the pass out and join the pair in possession, while another pair replaces them in the middle to help repeat the exercise going the opposite way.

The player who loses possession should then become the defender along with his/her partner.

Coaching Points:

Play on the shoulder of or behind the opponents on lines that allow them to break the opponents press.

Central players to play in behind mannequins.

Play fast pace passes to the back foot of the receiving player which will allow the in possession players transfer the ball quickly and to look up and to gain awareness of pressure and where team-mates are.

Animation Controls (PCs, Macs, Laptops):

Play animation
Play step-by-step
Repeat (toggle)
Full Screen

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