Herman Hlushchenko (SB4U)
Name: | Herman Hlushchenko (SB4U) |
City: | Staten Island NY |
Country: | United States of America |
Membership: | Adult Member |
Sport: | Football/Soccer |
Every Filed work 10-12 min .
Brake 2-3 min when chenge Fields
© Copyright 2022 Sport Session Planner Ltd.
Developed with Partnership Developers, a division of Kyosei Systems.
Animation Controls (PCs, Macs, Laptops):
Play animation
Play step-by-step
Repeat (toggle)
Full Screen
Back/Forward: Drag timeline button
Screen 1 (90 mins)
Field "A" :
1) Drible to smal goal ;
2) Trick " Mjach pod sebja " ;
3) Trick Ball thru betwen cones , player run outside the smal goal ;
4) Control the bal and drible to the cone ;
5) Control the ball , roll the ball right foot and move left side to the cone next side ;
6) Trick "Scissors" right foot ;
7) Trick "Scissors" left foot ;
8) Drible around the cone , and stay start position , "check in"
Field " B " :
Foot work , coordination , speed skils.
1) Shafle between cones face to forvard , after last cone in the line sprint to cone on the corner , and runing around them , swich side and stay on the line start position.;
2) Runing face forvard around cone backwards to the next cne , againe forward and backwards , after last cone same sprint around the cones on the corner ;
3) The same Ex chenge side , position start ;
4.) Start position , Right side to move directions , step over cones side moving , after last cone sprint oround the cones on the corner ;
5) The same EX , chenge side ;
6) Litle competition , sprint between cones , coach stay final line hands sprad out on the side . Players who is first touch coaches hand - win , player who is lose , make push ups , squads ex .
Field " C "
Dribling & Passing :
1) Dribling between cones avery next time chenge stile ;
2) When player tutn right , use right foot for drible between cones ;
3) When player turn left , use left foot for drible between cones
4) For two sides , after last cone pass to partners , and sprint to line start position .
Field " D "
Shooting Ex :
1) Player start print between cones ;
2) Coach passing ball to player ;
3) Player faster run to the ball only aftter last cone , control the ball and shoot on the goal .